I've always hated left wingers and despised right wingers as a libertarian constitutionalist. Everyone thinks that the nanny state needs to serve their needs whensoever it suits their interests, whims, or proclivities, and few bother to stand up, pay attention and shout from the rooftops for fear of looking like a tin foil hat wearing / conspiracy loon.
The lessons of history are just stories that nobody bothers with until it's a day late and a dollar short. If more people would exercise their rights every day, then this sort of thing would stop really quickly. As a middle class, small businessman, I welcome being still unable to afford health coverage, plus being fined by the feds for not having it. That'll be swell, as it will obviously solve all of our nations problems. Clearly, I am being sarcastic and will not allow that to happen.
We all have a duty to civilly restist bad laws. Rosa Parks did so. Sitting in the back of the bus was the written law in state codes as passed by government representatives. She, however, was in the right, and it was a matter that she stood her ground on for good Constitutional reasons. How many of us are going to roll over and how many will resist? Stand and be counted.
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