Are you checking only State Civil Cases and not reviewing Probate records and Federal Bankruptcy Courts & Federal Civil indices on all current and past owners as well?
Same for reviewing all corporate filings to ensure legitimacy of their incorporation status and right to hold title.
Naturally, we regularly cross-check State UCC Financing Statement filings against those recorded in the county records office, for additonal state amendments that are not recorded at the county in order to ensure completeness and accuracy.
Some counties have indices for probate, trust and will filings that you need to check as well. Getting online and checking the resources for a state and a county is very important.
The new Geographic Interface Systems (GIS) coming on line in many areas often provide mapping histories to lands and lots which should be researched too, or you risk omitting a Parcel Map or Survey Record or other matter from your reports.
A good title search must include many elements.
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