Yep. The government doesn't pass bills to ensure the Rights of American Nationals, but rather to expand the powers of the State to control, regulate, tax and manipulate the populace.
The role of government is ideally to govern the state on behalf of the people, but the reality is that it rarely achieves such a lofty goal and devolves to the lowest level of funtions: redistributing power and wealth to the already powerful and wealthy.
Less government usually means more power and more responsibility in the hands of We the People. The latter part ("responsibility") seems to be a major failure point in modern society, as shown daily on a variety of vapid info-tainment talk shows and small claims court shows. There seems to be no "winning" on this front, as public education dumbed down in order to keep the masses in line. The media complies by keeping attention spans short with stupid wastes of time on the airwaves. Sad really...empires of luxury...
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