We prefer to provide information on taxes from online resouces whenever possible. We provide the link to the county website, the time and date stamp of the data from that website, a copy of how the search entry data was inputted, the tax search results, any site disclaimers that the county posts, and finally, a note that tells the client the phone number or other contact data for the tax office. reminding them to check with the county directly as tax changes may occur outside of our control.
Most counties we cover are already online with such data and most post the effective time and dates of their database, which makes things convenient or us, but some only post the secured taxes, meaning you or the client must call the county for the supplementals, escape taxes, defaults, redemption taxes, etc....
As a matter of sheer probability, the more info you provide, the more liklihood that you may mishear, misunderstand, misinterprete, or erronously transcribe data, so the more effort you put in to empowering the client to cross-check matters by providing them with the website link and phone numbers of public agencies, the better for both you and them.
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