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[+] WARNING: FAKE SOT EMAIL NOTICE! - Robert Franco/OH (6 replies)
4/6/2010 9:00:38 AM (3960 views)

[-] WV ousting independent abstractors - Patricia Perry/WV (13 replies)
4/6/2010 12:12:17 AM (3968 views)
Re: WV ousting independent abstractors - Kristi Lee/NE
4/7/2010 1:14:05 PM (3411 views)
Re: WV ousting independent abstractors - William Pattison /CA
4/7/2010 6:58:54 PM (4400 views)
Re: WV ousting independent abstractors - Slade Smith/OH
4/7/2010 7:25:00 PM (5355 views)
Re: WV ousting independent abstractors - Robert Franco/OH
4/7/2010 10:52:16 PM (3231 views)
Hmm... "examination" - Bobbi Shorthouse, Notary Public/CT
4/8/2010 10:40:05 AM (3257 views)
Re: Hmm... "examination" - Slade Smith/OH
4/8/2010 2:22:28 PM (4620 views)

Well, there's this also:

Rule 102. Title Opinions or Abstracts and Giving Legal Advice:

(A) A non-lawyer shall not undertake with or without compensation, direct or indirect, to advise another in any matter involving the application of legal principles to the ownership, use, disposition or encumbrance of real estate, except that, incident to his investigation of factual matters, he may give advice to his regular employer, other than in aid of his employer’s unauthorized practice of law, or to a licensed lawyer upon request of the lawyer, who assumes full responsibility for that advise.

(B) The giving of a written or oral report that contains a statement as to the legal status of title, or the legal effects of matters found of record, or the use of such report in a manner in which an opinion as to the status of title could reasonably be inferred is tantamount to giving legal advice as to the ownership, use, disposition or encumbrance of real estate.

(C) A disclaimer or other statement, which purports to indicate that the “report” or “Information” is not giving legal advice or not a “legal opinion”, does not excuse the non-lawyer from violating this rule. The anticipated use and expectation of the recipient of the information therefore is controlling. Similarly, a disclaimer or statement indicating that the recipient should have the statement reviewed by his own lawyer does not excuse the non-lawyer from such unauthorized practice.

To my reading, this cuts India (and West Virginia non-lawyer independent  title abstractors) out of the picture. 

The full proposed law is found online here.

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Re: Hmm... "examination" - Patrick Scott/IL
4/8/2010 8:06:12 PM (4828 views)
Re: WV ousting independent abstractors - Patrick Scott/IL
4/7/2010 7:27:03 PM (3162 views)
You are right: WV ousting independents - Bobbi Shorthouse, Notary Public/CT
4/9/2010 7:45:29 AM (3090 views)
Re: WV ousting independent abstractors - Patricia /WV
4/12/2010 1:30:07 PM (3088 views)
Re: WV ousting independent abstractors - Leigh Attridge/MA
4/12/2010 8:45:15 AM (2994 views)
Re: WV ousting independent abstractors - Diane Brewer/SC
4/12/2010 9:34:24 AM (3593 views)
Re: WV ousting independent abstractors - Robert Franco/OH
4/12/2010 10:17:02 AM (3236 views)

[+] Infinity International Processing Services Inc - Matt Burger/VA (1 reply)
4/5/2010 9:21:10 PM (7375 views)

NALTEA Seminar/ MN Licensing - Jeanine Johnson/MN
4/5/2010 3:05:53 PM (3892 views)

[+] Micah Mortgage - David Chisolm/MS (3 replies)
4/5/2010 2:12:16 PM (3957 views)

Real Title Services

4/5/2010 1:29:24 PM (3309 views)

[+] Doctor view of health care crisis - george Hubka/MI (5 replies)
4/2/2010 9:54:50 PM (3473 views)

[+] Dumb Congressman can't speak for themself - george Hubka/MI (11 replies)
4/1/2010 7:05:32 PM (3395 views)

[+] Official Announcement - Reinhold Messner/PA (11 replies)
4/1/2010 3:36:07 PM (3613 views)

[+] Just too funny not to share-sorry - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD (11 replies)
4/1/2010 10:55:08 AM (3553 views)

[+] Abstractors Network - Ron McPherson/IA (5 replies)
4/1/2010 3:44:40 AM (3969 views)

3/31/2010 9:26:56 PM (5150 views)

[+] E&O Insurance - Celia Franklin/GA (7 replies)
3/29/2010 6:34:55 PM (3486 views)

[+] Source Documents (SDI) - Edouard LeLocle/SC (15 replies)
3/29/2010 1:09:45 PM (4173 views)

[+] History lesson - Amy Jensen/OR (30 replies)
3/29/2010 12:56:17 PM (3500 views)

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