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[-] Chicago Area Event For Title Abstractors - Patrick Scott/IL (4 replies)
4/28/2010 11:37:54 AM (4289 views)
Re: Chicago Area Event For Title Abstractors - Dave Pelligrinelli/GA
4/28/2010 12:26:37 PM (2729 views)
Re: Chicago Area Event For Title Abstractors - K C/NJ
4/28/2010 3:43:12 PM (2680 views)
Re: Chicago Area Event For Title Abstractors - Patrick Scott/IL
4/29/2010 10:45:15 PM (2650 views)
Re: Chicago Area Event For Title Abstractors - Patrick Scott/IL
4/29/2010 11:22:12 PM (2730 views)


I don't know if you remember back a couple of years ago, when there was a lot of talk about title camp events.  One group actually put one together, and by all accounts it was an event the participants found to be worthwhile.  Then, nothing.  I don't think anyone else ever got the bug to arrange to formally meet with the abstractors in their market.

This event, Ed's brainchild, sort of combines the idea of the title camp with NALTEA sponsored educational sessions to prepare abstractors for the NALTEA certification exam.  I like the idea, and I think it could even be expanded to give the abstractors some time to chat about the challenges they face in their local markets - to learn from each other to help their businesses thrive.  I'm a big fan of roundtable discussions.

These regional events can be of significant value to local abstractors.  Any NALTEA member who wants to take the initiative in his or her region can submit a proposal to the NALTEA board of directors to receive assistance with planning and defraying the cost of the event. 

I am really looking forward to the Chicago area event.  I hope it sparks a renewed excitement for regional events among the group who read and post here at Source of Title. 

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[+] deficiency judgment search - NANCY WALLACE/NJ (5 replies)
4/28/2010 9:59:36 AM (3233 views)

4/26/2010 3:40:19 PM (2721 views)

[+] Signature question - F P/VA (2 replies)
4/26/2010 8:30:21 AM (3205 views)

[+] On-Line Abstract, Ltd. - Susan Hicks/NY (1 reply)
4/26/2010 7:55:41 AM (3666 views)

Real Title Services

[+] GOOD ABSTRACTOR - kellu/MD (13 replies)
4/26/2010 3:36:43 AM (3793 views)

[+] new White House medical symbol - george Hubka/MI (7 replies)
4/24/2010 10:14:37 PM (3511 views)

[+] What is up with clients? - Robert Franco/OH (19 replies)
4/23/2010 10:47:52 AM (4006 views)

[+] loanofficerlist.com and email marketing - William Case/TN (2 replies)
4/23/2010 7:59:03 AM (4509 views)

[+] QC deed fraud story - Dave Pelligrinelli/GA (33 replies)
4/22/2010 1:56:38 PM (4871 views)

[+] If you have a problem replying to a message... - Slade Smith/OH (1 reply)
4/21/2010 5:49:12 PM (3092 views)

[+] Abstractors a go go - Christine Sheeler/PA (24 replies)
4/19/2010 3:47:04 PM (4968 views)

[+] Vision Land Services - Arlene Nelson/NY (9 replies)
4/19/2010 11:03:23 AM (4202 views)

[+] Poppe Mortgage - Shannon Heath/LA (6 replies)
4/19/2010 10:39:07 AM (4416 views)

[+] Mission Viejo Title - John Fernands/NH (1 reply)
4/14/2010 4:39:59 PM (3424 views)

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