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[+] Chicago Area Event For Title Abstractors - Patrick Scott/IL (4 replies)
4/28/2010 11:37:54 AM (4289 views)

[-] deficiency judgment search - NANCY WALLACE/NJ (5 replies)
4/28/2010 9:59:36 AM (3233 views)
Re: deficiency judgment search - Nils Nelson/ME
4/28/2010 11:39:07 AM (4773 views)

Deficiency judgment

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A deficiency judgment is an unsecured money judgment against a borrower whose mortgage foreclosure sale did not produce sufficient funds to pay the underlying promissory note, or loan, in full. [1] The availablity of a deficiency judgment depends on whether the lender has a recourse or nonrecourse loan.

The State of New York defines deficiency judgment by statute as follows: "the whole residue, or so much thereof as the court may determine to be just and equitable, of the debt remaining unsatisfied, after a sale of the mortgaged property and the application of the proceeds, pursuant to the directions contained in such judgment, the amount thereof to be determined by the court as herein provided."[2]

In New York, the plaintiff's attorney (the lender's lawyer) must make a motion to receive a deficiency judgment. Otherwise, the amount gained from the sale will be deemed the full amount owed, and the plaintiff has no right to collect the additional debt.[3] However, the terms of the mortgage may dispense with the need for such a motion.[4]

A debtor who has a deficiency judgment should seek the advice of an attorney for possible remedies, including a motion, an exemption from creditors,[5] an appeal, bankruptcy, etc.

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Re: deficiency judgment search - NANCY WALLACE/NJ
4/28/2010 1:10:52 PM (2839 views)
Re: deficiency judgment search - Nils Nelson/ME
4/28/2010 7:10:02 PM (2775 views)
Re: deficiency judgment search - William Case/TN
4/30/2010 11:29:54 AM (3240 views)
Re: deficiency judgment search - Jessica Talley/NJ
4/30/2010 4:12:46 PM (2694 views)

4/26/2010 3:40:19 PM (2721 views)

[+] Signature question - F P/VA (2 replies)
4/26/2010 8:30:21 AM (3205 views)

[+] On-Line Abstract, Ltd. - Susan Hicks/NY (1 reply)
4/26/2010 7:55:41 AM (3666 views)

Real Title Services

[+] GOOD ABSTRACTOR - kellu/MD (13 replies)
4/26/2010 3:36:43 AM (3793 views)

[+] new White House medical symbol - george Hubka/MI (7 replies)
4/24/2010 10:14:37 PM (3511 views)

[+] What is up with clients? - Robert Franco/OH (19 replies)
4/23/2010 10:47:52 AM (4006 views)

[+] loanofficerlist.com and email marketing - William Case/TN (2 replies)
4/23/2010 7:59:03 AM (4509 views)

[+] QC deed fraud story - Dave Pelligrinelli/GA (33 replies)
4/22/2010 1:56:38 PM (4871 views)

[+] If you have a problem replying to a message... - Slade Smith/OH (1 reply)
4/21/2010 5:49:12 PM (3092 views)

[+] Abstractors a go go - Christine Sheeler/PA (24 replies)
4/19/2010 3:47:04 PM (4968 views)

[+] Vision Land Services - Arlene Nelson/NY (9 replies)
4/19/2010 11:03:23 AM (4202 views)

[+] Poppe Mortgage - Shannon Heath/LA (6 replies)
4/19/2010 10:39:07 AM (4416 views)

[+] Mission Viejo Title - John Fernands/NH (1 reply)
4/14/2010 4:39:59 PM (3424 views)

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