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Six weeks with Sharon Howard, Doug Bartle and Vision Land Service, LLC - David Case/TN
7/28/2010 12:44:37 PM (14170 views)
Re: Six weeks with Sharon Howard, Doug Bartle and Vision Land Service, LLC - Arlene Nelson/NY
7/28/2010 2:32:48 PM (3895 views)
Re: Six weeks with Sharon Howard, Doug Bartle and Vision Land Service, LLC - Alix Ott/MI
8/2/2010 6:35:45 PM (3552 views)

HELP! VLTA spam - Constance Foye/VA
7/28/2010 12:32:42 PM (3386 views)
Re: HELP! VLTA spam - Dave Pelligrinelli/GA
7/28/2010 12:58:24 PM (3130 views)

Comment on "ALTA Urges FHA to Prohibit Private Transfer Fees on Conventional Mortgages" - Source of Title/OH
7/27/2010 5:29:52 PM (3474 views)
YAWN - Paul Daniels/AL
7/27/2010 5:29:52 PM (8823 views)
Re: YAWN - Robert Franco/OH
7/27/2010 11:08:05 PM (8837 views)
Neither - Paul Daniels/AL
7/28/2010 10:59:23 AM (8878 views)
Re: Neither - Robert Franco/OH
7/28/2010 11:06:16 AM (8808 views)
No conspiracy theories - Paul Daniels/AL
7/29/2010 9:04:02 AM (8792 views)
ALTA - Aileen McCarthy/NY
7/29/2010 11:35:03 PM (8751 views)

ALTA's argument is that a transfer fee paid at closing will cause mortgage problems for Fannie and Freddie. ALTA's assumption is that the title company did not do the job it was paid to do. I'm also curious as to how this threat to Fannie and Freddie, posed by a 1% transfer fee paid at closing, is any different from any other routine and ordinary fee imposed by a covenant.

ALTA implies that the fees are designed to "simply generate additional revenue", yet this ignores the fact that developers spend millions to install streets, utilities and other infrastructure, elevating the tax base and creating jobs. The fee spreads the costs of capital improvements over those who benefit.

ALTA's comment that a 1% transfer fee "will create perverse incentives for the holder of the rights to destabilize the neighborhood so as to create the churn that would maximize the repeated collection of fees" is particularly bizarre. Were they serious?

First, how exactly would someone accomplish this? Second, wouldn't the homes then sell for LESS money (and generate LESS income)? and Third, the reality is exactly the OPPOSITE: developers, as owners of a long-term income stream that is directly correlated to the value of the homes in the development, now have an incentive for the values to remain HIGH for a longer period. Instead of cashing a check and walking away, they have a vested interest in a quality project. Quality will always sell for more.

Isn't this the same group (ALTA) that lobbied for lax lending standards, subprime loans, etc., all in the pursuit of more closings and more fees? They have been called a "cartel" that "fleeces americans" and which "cheats homeowners out of their equity". (See Just google title insurance overcharge and check out articles from serious sources such as the WSJ, CNN, etc., as well as congressional testimony, all documenting how the industry overcharges consumers thousands of dollars. So, the question is, Why would anyone actually listen to anything ALTA has to say?

As to the FHA reference, the letter was not written by the general counsel - it was written by a woman leaving HUD. The letter said that HUD has a provision that prevents a covenant that restricts the maximum sales price a seller can charge. You don't need a law degree to realize that a transfer fee does not cap the sales price a seller can charge - it simply reduces the proceeds. To interpret the letter as ALTA suggests would mean that every residential home in the country with a mandatory fee imposed by a covenant would be non-conforming under HUD regulations.

If Fannie/Freddie were actually inclined to listen to ALTA, they would render non-conforming an estimated 2.5 million mortgages nationwide. The only result of this action would be higher costs for homeowners, who would be forced to pay non-conforming mortgage rates, and more protection for ALTA.

The clue to ALTA's "concern" over capital recovery fees can be found near the end of ALTA's letter, where they conclude that a transfer fee would "result in increased costs of underwriting, claims, escrow services and compliance for the land title industry". In other words, a more accurate title for this post might have been "ALTA asks Fannie and Freddie to increase fees on consumers in order to protect ALTA members from their own negligence." It wouldn't be the first time.

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Level Headed - Paul Daniels/AL
8/1/2010 11:30:06 AM (8653 views)
Re: Level Headed - William Pattison /CA
8/2/2010 12:14:45 PM (8488 views)

Frist American Title( Metroplitan Title) Brighton, MI NO PAY - Carla Curry/KY
7/27/2010 1:20:09 PM (3687 views)
Re: Frist American Title( Metroplitan Title) Brighton, MI NO PAY - Alix Ott/MI
8/2/2010 6:29:18 PM (2976 views)
Re: Frist American Title( Metroplitan Title) Brighton, MI NO PAY - Alix Ott/MI
8/2/2010 6:49:40 PM (3071 views)

Vision Land Service... - Rita Killary/NY
7/26/2010 7:59:41 PM (6104 views)
Re: Vision Land Service... - David Case/TN
7/27/2010 10:38:43 AM (3929 views)
Re: Vision Land Service... - Rita Killary/NY
7/27/2010 5:15:16 PM (3217 views)
Re: Vision Land Service... - george Hubka/MI
7/27/2010 8:30:12 PM (3390 views)
Re: Vision Land Service... - Rita Killary/NY
7/28/2010 10:50:04 PM (3331 views)
Re: Vision Land Service... - David Case/TN
7/28/2010 12:46:30 PM (4735 views)
Re: Vision Land Service... - Rita Killary/NY
7/28/2010 10:42:15 PM (3255 views)
Re: Vision Land Service... - Jessica Talley/NJ
7/29/2010 3:48:39 PM (3238 views)
Re: Vision Land Service... - Rita Killary/NY
7/29/2010 6:50:07 PM (3065 views)
Re: Vision Land Service... - David Case/TN
7/29/2010 7:04:31 PM (3659 views)

Comment on "New Louisiana Law on Title Searches" - Source of Title/OH
7/26/2010 5:40:17 PM (4115 views)
Does this change the Job Description of a Title Examiner - Jeanine Johnson/MN
7/26/2010 5:40:17 PM (3169 views)
Re: Does this change the Job Description of a Title Examiner - Tony Costa/LA
7/29/2010 9:24:14 AM (3094 views)
Re: Does this change the Job Description of a Title Examiner - Patrick Miller/LA
8/2/2010 9:16:26 AM (3038 views)
Re: Does this change the Job Description of a Title Examiner - Jeanine Johnson/MI
8/2/2010 6:41:09 PM (2984 views)

Applied Technology Resources Inc - Barbara Bennett/IN
7/26/2010 4:15:25 PM (4674 views)
Re: Applied Technology Resources Inc - Mandy Harmon/SC
7/26/2010 4:34:29 PM (3027 views)
Re: Applied Technology Resources Inc - Barbara Bennett/IN
7/27/2010 4:40:26 PM (3144 views)

Portland Maine now charging for property tax information - Nils Nelson/ME
7/26/2010 1:40:26 PM (3516 views)
Re: Portland Maine now charging for property tax information - george Hubka/MI
7/26/2010 2:27:04 PM (3195 views)
Re: Portland Maine now charging for property tax information - Jessica Talley/NJ
7/26/2010 2:32:25 PM (2986 views)
Re: Portland Maine now charging for property tax information - Leigh Attridge/MA
7/26/2010 2:45:09 PM (3064 views)
Re: Portland Maine now charging for property tax information - William Pattison /CA
7/26/2010 2:55:29 PM (3100 views)
Re: Portland Maine now charging for property tax information - PATRICIA PALMER-ILKO/PA
7/26/2010 9:26:09 PM (3054 views)
Re: Portland Maine now charging for property tax information - george Hubka/MI
7/27/2010 8:35:06 PM (2969 views)
Re: Portland Maine now charging for property tax information - Nils Nelson/ME
7/27/2010 11:21:55 PM (3093 views)
Re: Portland Maine now charging for property tax information - Scott Olsen/NH
7/27/2010 12:19:47 AM (3017 views)
Re: Portland Maine now charging for property tax information - Nils Nelson/ME
7/27/2010 3:47:46 PM (3061 views)
Re: Portland Maine now charging for property tax information - THURBER & ASSOCIATES INC THURBER/ME
7/27/2010 8:01:38 AM (3213 views)
Re: Portland Maine now charging for property tax information - Nils Nelson/ME
7/27/2010 3:43:22 PM (3198 views)
Re: Portland Maine now charging for property tax information - William Pattison /CA
8/2/2010 12:20:06 PM (2921 views)

How long should you keep records? - Dan Zook/NY
7/26/2010 12:19:36 PM (3466 views)
Re: How long should you keep records? - William Pattison /CA
7/26/2010 2:49:37 PM (3050 views)
Re: How long should you keep records? - Robert Franco/OH
7/26/2010 5:16:17 PM (3076 views)
Re: How long should you keep records? - Dan Zook/NY
7/27/2010 2:21:25 PM (2938 views)

TruClose Financial - Jack Johanson/PA
7/26/2010 9:57:59 AM (5423 views)
Re: TruClose Financial - Robert Franco/OH
7/26/2010 5:13:55 PM (2951 views)
Re: TruClose Financial - Patrick Scott/IL
7/27/2010 1:30:47 AM (3101 views)
Re: TruClose Financial - Mary Louise Mamary/PA
7/28/2010 11:04:38 AM (3032 views)
Re: TruClose Financial - Sheila Sten/PA
7/29/2010 7:28:25 AM (2965 views)

Comment on "Pilot Program in Cook County (IL) Requires Notaries to Get Thumbprints" - Source of Title/OH
7/26/2010 9:19:55 AM (3352 views)
so how does that stop fraud - Patrick Miller/LA
7/26/2010 9:19:55 AM (2977 views)
Re: so how does that stop fraud - Robert Franco/OH
7/26/2010 9:48:48 AM (2971 views)
Re: so how does that stop fraud - William Pattison /CA
7/26/2010 10:07:06 AM (3074 views)
Re: so how does that stop fraud - Bruce Murch/VA
8/3/2010 7:55:02 PM (2755 views)

Onondaga Abstract, Inc ???? - george Hubka/MI
7/23/2010 10:06:19 PM (10188 views)
Re: Onondaga Abstract, Inc ???? - George Booth/OH
7/24/2010 8:07:39 AM (4329 views)
Re: Onondaga Abstract, Inc ???? - john franz/NJ
7/24/2010 3:41:49 PM (3970 views)
Re: Onondaga Abstract, Inc ???? - Leigh Attridge/MA
7/24/2010 7:30:11 PM (3806 views)
Re: Onondaga Abstract, Inc ???? - john franz/NJ
7/25/2010 10:59:32 AM (3703 views)
Re: Onondaga Abstract, Inc ???? - HANNAH ANTHONY/GA
7/25/2010 11:39:47 AM (3727 views)
Re: Onondaga Abstract, Inc ???? - Saundra  Scott/MD
7/24/2010 10:20:35 PM (3805 views)
Re: Onondaga Abstract, Inc ???? - Onondaga Abstract/NY
7/26/2010 1:15:53 PM (3674 views)
Re: Onondaga Abstract, Inc ???? - george Hubka/MI
7/26/2010 1:23:57 PM (3661 views)
Re: Onondaga Abstract, Inc ???? - Bruce Murch/VA
8/3/2010 9:00:14 PM (3652 views)
Re: Onondaga Abstract, Inc ???? - Abstractor/NY
7/26/2010 1:26:25 PM (3818 views)
Re: Onondaga Abstract, Inc ???? - john /NY
7/26/2010 1:21:48 PM (3776 views)
Re: Onondaga Abstract, Inc ???? - Onondaga Abstract/NY
7/26/2010 1:31:09 PM (3872 views)
Re: Onondaga Abstract, Inc ???? - Terri/PA
7/26/2010 7:05:54 PM (3836 views)
Re: Onondaga Abstract, Inc ???? - george Hubka/MI
10/6/2017 4:45:47 PM (1605 views)

Comment on "President Signs Wall Street Reform Bill" - Source of Title/OH
7/22/2010 4:32:43 PM (3363 views)
Bailouts come in different shapes and sizes - Amy Jensen/OR
7/22/2010 4:32:43 PM (2907 views)
Re: Comment on "President Signs Wall Street Reform Bill" - george Hubka/MI
7/23/2010 8:09:47 AM (2976 views)
Re: Comment on "President Signs Wall Street Reform Bill" - john franz/NJ
7/24/2010 6:02:38 AM (2970 views)
Re: Comment on "President Signs Wall Street Reform Bill" - george Hubka/MI
7/24/2010 8:42:18 AM (2991 views)
Re: Comment on "President Signs Wall Street Reform Bill" - Jessica Talley/NJ
7/26/2010 8:02:02 PM (2792 views)
Re: Comment on "President Signs Wall Street Reform Bill" - George Booth/OH
7/27/2010 11:02:07 AM (2833 views)
Re: Comment on "President Signs Wall Street Reform Bill" - george Hubka/MI
7/27/2010 8:46:46 PM (2703 views)
Re: Comment on "President Signs Wall Street Reform Bill" - john franz/NJ
8/13/2010 9:46:27 AM (2800 views)
Re: Comment on "President Signs Wall Street Reform Bill" - Scott Perry/PA
8/13/2010 12:28:59 PM (2658 views)
Re: Comment on "President Signs Wall Street Reform Bill" - Robert Franco/OH
8/13/2010 1:14:31 PM (2739 views)
Re: Comment on "President Signs Wall Street Reform Bill" - Scott Perry/PA
8/5/2010 10:33:07 AM (4815 views)
Re: Comment on "President Signs Wall Street Reform Bill" - george Hubka/MI
10/6/2017 4:47:21 PM (1504 views)

Financial Dimensions DOES NOT PAY - Donna D'Amore/PA
7/22/2010 11:40:30 AM (4119 views)
Re: Financial Dimensions DOES NOT PAY - george Hubka/MI
7/22/2010 12:33:18 PM (3168 views)
Re: Financial Dimensions DOES NOT PAY - Donna D'Amore/PA
7/22/2010 12:46:23 PM (3083 views)
Re: Financial Dimensions DOES NOT PAY - Michaela Urban/OH
7/23/2010 12:03:09 AM (3221 views)
Re: Financial Dimensions DOES NOT PAY - george Hubka/MI
7/23/2010 8:20:29 AM (3018 views)
Re: Financial Dimensions DOES NOT PAY - ANDREW MOLLER/CT
7/23/2010 9:56:12 AM (2995 views)
Re: Financial Dimensions DOES NOT PAY - Donna D'Amore/PA
7/23/2010 11:35:22 AM (3072 views)
Re: Financial Dimensions DOES NOT PAY - K C/NJ
7/23/2010 3:49:48 PM (3044 views)
Re: Financial Dimensions DOES NOT PAY - george Hubka/MI
7/23/2010 10:01:28 PM (3039 views)

New Website - Kurt deVries/FL
7/21/2010 3:25:14 PM (3468 views)
Re: New Website - Nils Nelson/ME
7/21/2010 5:54:15 PM (3034 views)
Re: New Website - Amy Jensen/OR
7/21/2010 7:25:30 PM (2949 views)
Re: New Website - David Case/TN
7/22/2010 10:25:05 AM (4986 views)
Re: New Website - Kurt deVries/FL
7/26/2010 10:39:07 AM (4909 views)
Re: New Website - William Pattison /CA
7/26/2010 2:32:15 PM (2858 views)
Re: New Website - Leigh Attridge/MA
7/27/2010 4:10:04 PM (2906 views)
Re: New Website - David Case/TN
7/28/2010 5:07:06 PM (5513 views)
Re: New Website - Nils Nelson/ME
7/28/2010 5:24:56 PM (2970 views)
Re: New Website - David Case/TN
7/28/2010 5:44:31 PM (5026 views)
Re: New Website - Robert Franco/OH
7/29/2010 11:36:32 AM (4823 views)
Re: New Website - Kurt deVries/FL
7/29/2010 4:28:39 PM (2849 views)
Re: New Website - Nils Nelson/ME
7/29/2010 4:56:11 PM (4842 views)
Re: New Website - David Case/TN
7/29/2010 6:19:08 PM (2800 views)

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