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[+] Baltimore City District Court copies - Deborah Manion/VA (1 reply)
6/11/2010 2:56:41 PM (3102 views)

[+] Microimaging Source - Mark Pierson/FL (1 reply)
6/11/2010 10:15:47 AM (3169 views)

Professional Abstract & Assurance - Elizabeth Helman/PA
6/11/2010 9:13:27 AM (4463 views)

[+] Pricing increase? Timing. - Amy Jensen/OR (6 replies)
6/10/2010 1:49:00 PM (3400 views)

[+] Email from RASA Solutions - Jacqueline Costa/RI (7 replies)
6/10/2010 9:11:46 AM (4444 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Comment on "HUD Asks for Public Comment on RESPA Rules Regarding Affiliated Business Arrangements" - Source of Title/OH (1 reply)
6/8/2010 11:00:18 PM (3121 views)

6/8/2010 1:49:01 PM (3107 views)

[+] Comment on "Erin Toll Resigns: It's Colorado's Loss" - Source of Title/OH (7 replies)
6/8/2010 1:36:09 AM (3401 views)

Site update-- commenting on articles added - Slade Smith/OH
6/8/2010 12:55:41 AM (2613 views)

Interesting article on C'wide in NYT - Leigh Attridge/MA
6/7/2010 4:52:58 PM (2543 views)

[+] Mobile scanners - Phyllis Agan/GA (14 replies)
6/7/2010 10:37:55 AM (3250 views)

[+] Let your voice be heard on AFBAs - Slade Smith/OH (3 replies)
6/4/2010 1:04:48 PM (3300 views)

[+] Appraisers...got a question - PATRICIA PALMER-ILKO/PA (1 reply)
6/4/2010 11:29:07 AM (2946 views)

[-] Forbes at it again... another hit piece on title industry - Slade Smith/OH (5 replies)
6/4/2010 10:42:54 AM (4479 views)
Re: Forbes at it again... another hit piece on title industry - Scott Perry/PA
6/4/2010 2:10:08 PM (3064 views)
Re: Forbes at it again... another hit piece on title industry - Jessica Talley/NJ
6/4/2010 2:15:06 PM (3092 views)
Re: Forbes at it again... another hit piece on title industry - Slade Smith/OH
6/4/2010 3:03:43 PM (3033 views)
Re: Forbes at it again... another hit piece on title industry - Scott Perry/PA
6/4/2010 11:48:56 PM (2994 views)
Re: Forbes at it again... another hit piece on title industry - Leigh Attridge/MA
6/4/2010 7:43:12 PM (2925 views)

I read the article twice because I couldn't believe what I was reading the first time around.   Only someone who's never done a title could be so clueless.  I particularly loved the part where he said that anyone sitting at a computer for a short while could produce an accurate title.  I spent a fair amount of my day working on a two owner out of Suffolk County (Boston & environs) where the previous owner had been foreclosed on & the property sold to a developer who turned around & made a condo out of the building.  My final product was 87 pages long with a two page report consisting mostly of title issues & problems relating to the defective foreclosure docs & subsequent conveyancing  issues (eg.  foreclosure deed is to Wells Fargo Bank - deed out is from Wells Fargo Bank as trustee of the blah blah blah with a small handwitten note at the bottom of the deed stating that the foreclosure deed erroneously left off the trust information... but no worries there...)  I also spent some time talking to the staff up at the Essex North ROD trying to get them to send me a photocopy of an grantor index page.  Seems that when they scanned the indices they left many, many pages out, although there's no disclaimer on their website about that "gitch".    My only hope is that if the author of the Forbes article needs brain surgery that he'll decide that surgeons are charging too much & try to do it himself.  Happy weekend everybody!

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[+] Thanks Robert & Co... - monica froese/ME (3 replies)
6/3/2010 7:07:33 PM (3070 views)

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