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[+] Comment on "Delaware Takes First Step Toward Consolidating Recorder's Offices" - Source of Title/OH (8 replies)
6/21/2010 9:05:39 AM (2904 views)

[+] Telling ROD about a correction - Robin Ramberg/MI (7 replies)
6/21/2010 2:42:07 AM (3073 views)

[+] Regarding chat on digital cameras - Robin Ramberg/MI (3 replies)
6/21/2010 2:10:25 AM (2882 views)

[+] What the site is worth by www.7zoom.com - MTF/IN (6 replies)
6/20/2010 1:50:41 PM (5216 views)

[+] New Abstractors - PATRICIA PALMER-ILKO/PA (2 replies)
6/19/2010 6:42:36 AM (3327 views)

Real Title Services

Flagstar E-sign - Beka Shoemaker/MD
6/18/2010 8:12:26 AM (2957 views)

[+] Comment on "Title Company Embezzler Turned Gourmet Jelly Maker Pleads Guilty" - Source of Title/OH (4 replies)
6/17/2010 4:47:29 PM (3352 views)

Quoted in the Columbus Dispatch - Robert Franco/OH
6/16/2010 10:25:24 AM (3720 views)

[+] Odd Scam - not via email - NOT Chicago Title - K C/NJ (3 replies)
6/15/2010 5:16:08 PM (4554 views)

[+] THERE IS NO RELATION - natalie helton/TN (1 reply)
6/15/2010 3:40:48 PM (3187 views)

[+] Abstractors A Go Go - Smitty Strickland/SC (5 replies)
6/15/2010 10:15:45 AM (3412 views)

[+] Anyone have a contact for First American's accounting department - Michael Toebe/KS (3 replies)
6/15/2010 6:21:14 AM (3426 views)

[-] bandwidth limits online - William Pattison /CA (30 replies)
6/14/2010 6:25:05 PM (3074 views)
Re: bandwidth limits online - Q/WI
6/14/2010 9:30:34 PM (2781 views)
Re: bandwidth limits online - William Pattison /CA
6/15/2010 11:16:41 AM (2657 views)
Re: bandwidth limits online - Q/WI
6/16/2010 2:08:17 PM (2854 views)
Congratulations... - Robert Franco/OH
6/15/2010 11:47:06 AM (2754 views)
Re: Congratulations... - Jessica Talley/NJ
6/15/2010 2:23:49 PM (2707 views)
Re: Congratulations... - William Pattison /CA
6/15/2010 7:06:02 PM (2619 views)
Re: Congratulations... - Robert Franco/OH
6/16/2010 10:17:32 AM (2848 views)
Re: Congratulations... - Scott Perry/PA
6/16/2010 11:08:31 AM (2749 views)
Re: Congratulations... - William Pattison /CA
6/18/2010 11:51:49 AM (2755 views)
Re: Congratulations... - Robert Franco/OH
6/18/2010 1:38:08 PM (2774 views)
Re: Congratulations... - William Pattison /CA
6/18/2010 3:01:27 PM (2701 views)
Re: Congratulations... - Robert Franco/OH
6/18/2010 3:14:37 PM (2706 views)
Re: Congratulations... - george Hubka/MI
6/20/2010 7:43:52 PM (2547 views)
Re: Congratulations... - William Pattison /CA
6/21/2010 11:17:20 AM (2642 views)
Re: Congratulations... - Robert Franco/OH
6/21/2010 11:49:07 AM (2534 views)
Re: Congratulations... - William Pattison /CA
6/23/2010 4:33:04 PM (2487 views)
Re: Congratulations... - Robert Franco/OH
6/23/2010 5:16:17 PM (2588 views)
Re: Congratulations... - george Hubka/MI
6/24/2010 3:30:08 AM (2644 views)
Re: Congratulations... - Robert Franco/OH
6/24/2010 10:09:09 AM (2496 views)
Re: Congratulations... - Scott Perry/PA
6/24/2010 1:07:11 PM (2545 views)
Re: Congratulations... - george Hubka/MI
6/24/2010 9:36:30 PM (2586 views)
Re: Congratulations... - William Pattison /CA
6/25/2010 1:46:15 PM (2631 views)

First, you did issue a claim about this matter being illegal and you did so first.  You are the one who admitted to not having looked into this, so your anger about this being  "ill researched" by you seems to be self-directed or otherwise misdirected at me.

Second, I see lawyers come and go daily who cannot execute documents properly, who argue points of law erroneously, and who don't know how public agencies work to save their lives.   You're law degree is a personal accomplishment for you.  If you expect that to speak well to you, then you need to speak with knowledge and authority (colloquial use of the word here), and do so in a manner that is unlike many of your peers who get into the media every day and speak so wrongly.  The issue is your interpretation and lack of understanding of authority.  I've given you enough opportunity to address this directly, and enough rope to hang yourself, but you've not taken the bait.  touche'

Third, I agree that that particular statute speaks for itself.  Your explaination is interpretive and fails to address the issues I raised.

Fourth, let's address "authorize".  There are dozens of legal dictionaries and American English dictionaries, so let's start simple and pick one and see if we can agree upon a definition.  If this one does not suffice, then shoot me one that meets your desires.  Law.com defines "authorize" as "to officially empower someone ot act".  If that is the case, then I, as a "someone" have never been officially (meaning, in-writing by explicit license, permit or grant) empowered to access any public records.  Someone in the Recorders Office has been granted the authority by their County's Board of Supervisors by way of a County Resolution to act in compliance with promulgated State Code (in this case, in Arizona) to host public records online.  No further "authorization" except in the most colloquially-applied, broad sense, non-technical and non-legal use of the term, has been issued to me or to the ne xt guy or the next guy, for the purpose of accessing these records online.  The term "authorize" derives from the same linguistic root as the word "author" for a good and valid reason;  that is to say that the written word penned or "authored" by someone bearing power establishes the leave to act by another in a  real that they would not otherwise have the LEGAL capacity to enter.  I've studied the hisotry of the English language and English law for 25 years but am not a lawyer.  You've studied and got degrees.  My college work was in a different field (cultural anthropology to be precise;  not that it has any bearing on this discussion).  Anyway, you picked the fight and you play with lawyer rules, and I'll play in your sandbox by those same rules too.  I'm rather bemused by the entire discussion, actually.  Keep truckin'!

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Re: Congratulations... - Robert Franco/OH
6/25/2010 2:12:46 PM (2586 views)
Re: Congratulations... - William Pattison /CA
6/27/2010 11:17:38 PM (2481 views)
Re: Congratulations... - Robert Franco/OH
6/28/2010 11:01:17 AM (2570 views)
Re: Congratulations... - William Pattison /CA
6/28/2010 12:26:13 PM (2375 views)
Re: Congratulations... - george Hubka/MI
6/21/2010 4:04:49 PM (2587 views)
Re: Congratulations... - Douglas Gallant/OH
6/25/2010 7:35:13 PM (2548 views)
Re: Congratulations... - george Hubka/MI
6/26/2010 8:09:33 PM (2498 views)
Re: Congratulations... - William Pattison /CA
6/27/2010 11:44:25 PM (2566 views)

[+] copies - Sheila Sten/PA (31 replies)
6/11/2010 6:06:13 PM (3432 views)

[+] Baltimore City District Court copies - Deborah Manion/VA (1 reply)
6/11/2010 2:56:41 PM (3102 views)

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