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Reliable Property Reports - Kristi Lee/NE
8/25/2010 4:36:04 PM (3828 views)
Re: Reliable Property Reports - Jessica Talley/NJ
8/25/2010 5:04:05 PM (3300 views)
Re: Reliable Property Reports - Kristi Lee/NE
8/26/2010 12:18:22 AM (3346 views)
Re: Reliable Property Reports - Alix Ott/MI
8/30/2010 9:15:40 AM (3164 views)
Re: Reliable Property Reports - Jessica Talley/NJ
8/30/2010 10:43:28 AM (3115 views)
Re: Reliable Property Reports - Alix Ott/MI
8/30/2010 11:07:16 AM (3082 views)
Re: Reliable Property Reports - Jessica Talley/NJ
8/30/2010 12:14:27 PM (3165 views)

National Certified Abstractor Designation - Jeanine Johnson/FL
8/23/2010 10:29:17 PM (4270 views)

Comment on "Federal Reserve Bans Yield Spread Premiums" - Source of Title/OH
8/23/2010 7:08:30 PM (2983 views)
Yield Spread Premium - Donna McCullough/SC
8/23/2010 7:08:30 PM (7115 views)
Re: Yield Spread Premium - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
8/23/2010 8:20:54 PM (6967 views)
Re: Yield Spread Premium - Slade Smith/OH
9/3/2010 3:56:22 AM (6784 views)

8/23/2010 11:06:42 AM (3686 views)
Re: REDVISION - William Pattison /CA
8/23/2010 11:35:37 AM (3439 views)
8/30/2010 3:53:00 PM (3417 views)
Re: REDVISION - John Baker/OH
1/9/2012 2:45:26 PM (2304 views)
Re: REDVISION - John Baker/OH
1/9/2012 2:52:38 PM (2474 views)

Nationalized Housing - George Booth/OH
8/22/2010 12:47:24 PM (4814 views)
Welcome to Obamaville... - Scott Perry/PA
8/22/2010 2:33:53 PM (3085 views)
Re: Welcome to Obamaville... - john franz/NJ
8/23/2010 9:11:58 AM (2945 views)
Re: Welcome to Obamaville... - Victoria Moate/NJ
8/23/2010 9:48:04 AM (2829 views)
Re: Welcome to Obamaville... - Leigh Attridge/MA
8/23/2010 9:54:04 AM (2977 views)
Re: Welcome to Obamaville... - Scott Perry/PA
8/23/2010 10:06:11 AM (2857 views)
Re: Welcome to Obamaville... - Leigh Attridge/MA
8/23/2010 11:33:57 AM (2746 views)
Re: Welcome to Obamaville... - George Booth/OH
8/23/2010 11:52:51 AM (2790 views)
Re: Welcome to Obamaville... - Slade Smith/OH
8/30/2010 6:12:33 PM (2779 views)
Re: Welcome to Obamaville... - George Booth/OH
8/23/2010 11:25:07 AM (5082 views)


I wouldn't normally engage in mental masturbation like this but it's Monday morning and I am waiting for some things to come in. I will try and type slow so you can understand.

1. It's not a right wing fantasy about Obama being a socialist. 52% of people polled by NYT/CBS poll think he's bringing us to socialism.

2.. Dump fannie and freddie? Why not? Please tell me why the biggest cause of our current problem should be allowed to continue? Why should the government be the solution to everything? Here's the plain and simple fact you liberals just can't seek your teeth into, NOT EVERYONE IS EQUAL. Should there be equal opportunity? Of course. Should everyone be able to get a home? Of course not. The Community Reinvestment Act signed by Clinton is the root cause of this fiasco today. Banks didn't lend in poorer communities for a reason.... DEFAULTS! No money down, no doc loans, 100% financing.... what exactly did people think would happen?

3. We have a health-care bill with no public option. Yet. The government now oversees 1/6th of our economy with the new health care regulations. Many people are already seeing through the lies with their insurance rates jumping an average of 10%. When rates continue to jump, the government will spring into action and create the public option out of inferred necessity.

As I stated before, NOT ALL PEOPLE ARE EQUAL.  should everyone be treated equal? Yes. Should people have free healthcare at the expense of others? As harsh as it sounds, no. I am a firm believer in darwinism. The strong and productive will survive, the leeches and siphons will perish.

4. Obama saved our auto?

Again, an un-needed bailout and raping of free enterprise. Obama didn't save the auto companies, he saved the Unions. Had they been allowed to file for bk, then perhaps the Unions with their bloate entitlements would have sat down at the table and been more reasonable. The only thing Obama did was perpetuate an already broken system that should have been allowed to fail.

5. Everyone tries to save Social Security. Medicare on the other hand... are you serious? Didn't Obama take a 500B hatchet to Medicare?

6. The stimulis? You are joking right? Saved millions of jobs? WHAT JOBS? So now we don't judge on jobs created, but jobs saved.

7. Raising taxes. Time and time again it has been shown, proof positive if you raise taxes on job creators they will not hire people or they move their businesses overseas. "If you don't learn from history's mistakes, you are doomed to repeat them"

8. Bush's Bank Bailout - Meant to purchase toxic asset much like the failed savings and loan crisis. But alas, once Obama got in office he changed the manner and requirements on the Bailout and the banks were simply given the cash, which them promptly used to pay creditors overseas so they could maintain their credit ratings. You are swining for the fenses on that one John. Do you even check the facts before you spew forth talking points to which you have no insight?

9. The stupidest war in History? You mean the stupid democracy now strategically located amidst the last bastion of violent turmoil that has reached out and personally touched us? You mean the stupid war with the most brutal dictator since Pol Pot? You mean the stupid war that brings a permanent American presense to the Middle East that keeps those Allah screaming terrorists fighting over there, instead of on your street? So what we didn't find WMD, stop being a naive child. We needed a foothold in the Middle East and Sadaam was dumb enough to test our patience at the time. Let me remind you, he was in violation of numerous UN sanctions prior to our second invasion. A convenient memory loss by liberals.

10. The last batch of saintly deeds you are yapping about isn't worthy of rebuttal simply because it's such a stretch from reality it's just laughable. Cutting aid spending? How many Czars unchecked by congress does this fool have? How many vacations? Dinners?

Let's see what Obama has acheived:

Bow's to Muslim leaders, Housing market hasn't even begun to recover. World laughs at us and our idealistic dreamer President. N. Korea pretty much tells us to F'off. Iran fires up their nuke reactor. Gitmo, still open. Afghanistan, still going. Joblessness, on the rise. Debt, at historical levels. 3 times the amount that took 200 years to accumulate, btw. greater government intervention into our lives.

Lets take this for instance, Fannie and Freddie now cap fees on loans at 3%. Three percent for the broker, title agent, lender. Where do your fees fit in there? Now the government can tell you how much money you can charge or make, if that's not socialism, I don't know what is.


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Re: Welcome to Obamaville... - Leigh Attridge/MA
8/23/2010 11:40:23 AM (2705 views)
Re: Welcome to Obamaville... - George Booth/OH
8/23/2010 11:46:37 AM (2767 views)
Re: Welcome to Obamaville... - Leigh Attridge/MA
8/23/2010 1:51:57 PM (2855 views)
Re: Welcome to Obamaville... - George Booth/OH
8/23/2010 2:55:03 PM (2839 views)
Re: Welcome to Obamaville... - Leigh Attridge/MA
8/23/2010 3:16:34 PM (2898 views)
Re: Welcome to Obamaville... - George Booth/OH
8/23/2010 3:47:57 PM (2880 views)
Re: Welcome to Obamaville... - Leigh Attridge/MA
8/23/2010 4:10:30 PM (2872 views)
Re: Welcome to Obamaville... - monica froese/ME
8/23/2010 10:43:26 PM (2820 views)
Re: Welcome to Obamaville... - Scott Perry/PA
8/24/2010 12:11:24 PM (2789 views)
Re: Welcome to Obamaville... - Leigh Attridge/MA
8/24/2010 12:34:03 PM (2704 views)
Re: Welcome to Obamaville... - George Booth/OH
8/24/2010 1:03:47 PM (2678 views)
Re: Welcome to Obamaville... - Leigh Attridge/MA
8/24/2010 1:23:11 PM (2826 views)
Re: Welcome to Obamaville... - Scott Perry/PA
8/24/2010 1:42:24 PM (2790 views)
Re: Welcome to Obamaville... - Joyce Obrien/PA
8/24/2010 9:04:05 PM (2721 views)
You keep using polls as evidence of what is true - Slade Smith/OH
8/30/2010 6:20:13 PM (2767 views)
Re: You keep using polls as evidence of what is true - Robert Franco/OH
8/30/2010 7:42:10 PM (2606 views)
Re: You keep using polls as evidence of what is true - Scott Perry/PA
8/31/2010 12:17:08 PM (2653 views)
Re: Welcome to Obamaville... - john franz/NJ
9/11/2010 8:53:03 AM (3592 views)
Re: Welcome to Obamaville... - Leigh Attridge/MA
10/4/2010 8:06:06 AM (2546 views)
Re: Welcome to Obamaville... - Scott Perry/PA
10/4/2010 10:38:59 AM (2591 views)
Re: Nationalized Housing - Victoria Moate/NJ
8/23/2010 9:57:13 AM (2885 views)
Re: Nationalized Housing - Jessica Talley/NJ
8/23/2010 6:08:45 PM (2633 views)
Bring it back to basics - Amy Jensen/OR
8/24/2010 1:56:01 PM (2635 views)
Re: Bring it back to basics - George Booth/OH
8/24/2010 2:41:33 PM (2605 views)
Re: Bring it back to basics - Amy Jensen/OR
8/24/2010 3:49:25 PM (2800 views)
Re: Bring it back to basics - Scott Perry/PA
8/24/2010 8:45:02 PM (2699 views)
Re: Bring it back to basics - Jessica Talley/NJ
8/24/2010 7:23:46 PM (2683 views)
Re: Nationalized Housing - john franz/NJ
9/11/2010 9:01:06 AM (2648 views)
Re: Nationalized Housing - William Pattison /CA
8/30/2010 11:18:17 AM (2663 views)

Rebellion against Wall Street - Edouard LeLocle/SC
8/20/2010 10:09:17 PM (2592 views)

Unbelievably fabulous color photos Russia 1910 - Leigh Attridge/MA
8/20/2010 12:24:19 PM (4753 views)
Re: Unbelievably fabulous color photos Russia 1910 - Sheila Sten/PA
8/20/2010 2:21:42 PM (2835 views)
Re: Unbelievably fabulous color photos Russia 1910 - Scott Perry/PA
8/20/2010 2:57:18 PM (2920 views)
Re: Unbelievably fabulous color photos Russia 1910 - Jessica Talley/NJ
8/20/2010 3:49:26 PM (2837 views)

School Districts - Ellen Maher/MI
8/19/2010 1:47:50 PM (3025 views)
Re: School Districts - Robert Franco/OH
8/19/2010 2:01:52 PM (2747 views)
Re: School Districts - William Pattison /CA
8/19/2010 2:18:15 PM (2793 views)

Comment on "The End of the American Dream" - Source of Title/OH
8/18/2010 5:57:31 PM (3109 views)
There is something fundamentally wrong - Julia Scott-Douglas/OR
8/18/2010 5:57:31 PM (2970 views)
8/18/2010 10:00:01 PM (2786 views)
But I thought we were an autonomous collective??? - Amy Jensen/OR
8/18/2010 6:21:39 PM (2912 views)
Re: Comment on "The End of the American Dream" - William Pattison /CA
8/23/2010 11:44:26 AM (2734 views)

Follow to how to avoid not getting paid - Sam Rosenberg/FL
8/18/2010 3:43:03 PM (3250 views)
Re: Follow to how to avoid not getting paid - Robert Franco/OH
8/18/2010 4:27:14 PM (2949 views)
Re: Follow to how to avoid not getting paid - Sam Rosenberg/FL
8/18/2010 5:47:38 PM (2877 views)
Re: Follow to how to avoid not getting paid - Leigh Attridge/MA
8/18/2010 4:50:02 PM (2945 views)
Re: Follow to how to avoid not getting paid - Sam Rosenberg/FL
8/18/2010 6:07:19 PM (2830 views)
Re: Follow to how to avoid not getting paid - Leigh Attridge/MA
8/18/2010 5:10:49 PM (2847 views)
Re: Follow to how to avoid not getting paid - Sam Rosenberg/FL
8/18/2010 5:23:07 PM (2895 views)
Re: Follow to how to avoid not getting paid - Amy Jensen/OR
8/18/2010 5:27:52 PM (2878 views)
Re: Follow to how to avoid not getting paid - Sam Rosenberg/FL
8/18/2010 6:33:11 PM (2911 views)
Re: Follow to how to avoid not getting paid - Amy Jensen/OR
8/18/2010 5:26:08 PM (2883 views)
Re: Follow to how to avoid not getting paid - Sam Rosenberg/FL
8/18/2010 6:24:49 PM (2896 views)
Re: Follow to how to avoid not getting paid - Leigh Attridge/MA
8/18/2010 7:03:18 PM (2882 views)
Re: Follow to how to avoid not getting paid - AJ/OH
8/22/2010 4:39:35 PM (2849 views)
Re: Follow to how to avoid not getting paid - Leigh Attridge/MA
8/23/2010 9:59:35 AM (2837 views)
Re: Follow to how to avoid not getting paid - Joyce Obrien/PA
8/18/2010 11:52:24 PM (2946 views)

SOT Stats... - Robert Franco/OH
8/18/2010 3:16:38 PM (3096 views)
Re: SOT Stats... - george Hubka/MI
10/6/2017 5:00:57 PM (1502 views)

Certificate Holder - E&O - Alix Ott/MI
8/18/2010 11:10:54 AM (5089 views)
Re: Certificate Holder - E&O - Robert Franco/OH
8/18/2010 12:08:24 PM (3318 views)
Re: Certificate Holder - E&O - Jessica Talley/NJ
8/18/2010 6:10:53 PM (3336 views)
Re: Certificate Holder - E&O - Leigh Attridge/MA
8/18/2010 7:05:06 PM (3147 views)
Re: Certificate Holder - E&O - Scott Perry/PA
8/18/2010 10:12:11 PM (3089 views)
Re: Certificate Holder - E&O - Leigh Attridge/MA
8/19/2010 11:45:08 AM (3109 views)
Re: Certificate Holder - E&O - Alix Ott/MI
8/19/2010 2:36:35 PM (3006 views)
Re: Certificate Holder - E&O - Kevin Ahern/CT
8/19/2010 7:40:00 AM (3168 views)

How to avoid not getting paid - Sam Rosenberg/FL
8/17/2010 7:52:30 AM (3383 views)
Re: How to avoid not getting paid - David Case/TN
8/17/2010 5:08:48 PM (2944 views)
Re: How to avoid not getting paid - Jessica Talley/NJ
8/18/2010 11:29:46 AM (3011 views)
Re: How to avoid not getting paid - K C/NJ
8/18/2010 1:26:32 PM (2886 views)
Re: How to avoid not getting paid - Sheila Sten/PA
8/19/2010 9:55:42 PM (2866 views)

Another interesting article about banks - Leigh Attridge/MA
8/15/2010 10:47:40 PM (4665 views)
Re: Another interesting article about banks - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
8/16/2010 3:35:04 PM (3048 views)
Re: Another interesting article about banks - Leigh Attridge/MA
8/18/2010 4:57:52 PM (2864 views)
Re: Another interesting article about banks - Jessica Talley/NJ
8/18/2010 6:16:40 PM (2897 views)
Re: Another interesting article about banks - Leigh Attridge/MA
8/18/2010 7:07:45 PM (2869 views)
Re: Another interesting article about banks - Scott Perry/PA
8/18/2010 10:39:07 PM (2943 views)
Re: Another interesting article about banks - Jessica Talley/NJ
8/19/2010 5:08:27 AM (2919 views)
Re: Another interesting article about banks - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
8/23/2010 11:30:54 AM (2809 views)
Re: Another interesting article about banks - Jessica Talley/NJ
8/23/2010 5:50:23 PM (2857 views)

My money in there pocket!!!! - Jerry D./NJ
8/13/2010 8:04:36 AM (3536 views)
Re: My money in there pocket!!!! - David Case/TN
8/17/2010 5:20:29 PM (2922 views)
Re: My money in their pocket!!!! - K C/NJ
8/18/2010 1:28:10 PM (2915 views)
Re: My money in their pocket!!!! - David Case/TN
8/18/2010 3:20:36 PM (2794 views)

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