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Taking over America - Randi Erickson/MN
6/16/2022 7:43:29 AM (7116 views)
Re: Taking over America - Scott Kretsch/AR
7/1/2022 10:10:00 AM (1880 views)

LexisNexis CourtLink - Dan Zook/NY
6/13/2022 11:56:24 AM (1854 views)
Re: LexisNexis CourtLink - Craig Honeker/AZ
6/13/2022 1:47:49 PM (2136 views)
Re: LexisNexis CourtLink - Dan Zook/NY
6/13/2022 1:52:49 PM (2067 views)
Re: LexisNexis CourtLink - Craig Honeker/AZ
6/13/2022 1:58:06 PM (2008 views)
Re: LexisNexis CourtLink - Dan Zook/NY
6/15/2022 9:49:24 AM (2136 views)
Re: LexisNexis CourtLink - Dan Zook/NY
6/20/2022 4:00:58 PM (1934 views)
Re: LexisNexis CourtLink - g h/SC
6/28/2022 10:08:40 AM (1760 views)
Re: LexisNexis CourtLink - Dan Zook/NY
6/28/2022 12:06:01 PM (1745 views)
Re: LexisNexis CourtLink - g h/SC
6/28/2022 12:49:11 PM (1782 views)
Re: LexisNexis CourtLink - Dan Zook/NY
6/28/2022 12:58:03 PM (1769 views)
Re: LexisNexis CourtLink - g h/SC
6/29/2022 9:56:23 AM (1782 views)
Re: LexisNexis CourtLink - Dan Zook/NY
6/30/2022 2:26:09 PM (1805 views)
Re: LexisNexis CourtLink - g h/SC
7/5/2022 8:55:43 AM (1654 views)
Re: LexisNexis CourtLink - george Hubka/MI
7/6/2022 7:53:54 PM (1741 views)
Re: LexisNexis CourtLink - Dan Zook/NY
7/7/2022 12:40:04 AM (1810 views)

share title searching accounts Tennessee - M Jackson/TN
6/11/2022 3:40:21 PM (1861 views)
Re: share title searching accounts Tennessee - Stevs Mark/MA
7/12/2022 3:58:01 PM (2118 views)
Re: share title searching accounts Tennessee - M Jackson/TN
8/10/2022 12:06:26 PM (2240 views)
Re: share title searching accounts Tennessee - Ronald Shaun /MA
8/10/2022 12:36:06 PM (1888 views)
Re: share title searching accounts Tennessee - Naomi Backes/NC
8/21/2022 11:37:39 PM (1597 views)
Re: share title searching accounts Tennessee - george Hubka/MI
8/22/2022 10:40:36 AM (1612 views)

Last Minute Closings - Jeff Buschor/OH
6/10/2022 1:17:58 PM (1613 views)
Re: Last Minute Closings - Patrick Miller/LA
6/13/2022 10:13:17 AM (1804 views)
Re: Last Minute Closings - Kathryn Glor/IN
6/13/2022 10:22:56 AM (1817 views)

Accord Data Technologies- Scam alert - Ted Nilius/MN
6/7/2022 2:04:12 PM (1530 views)
Re: Accord Data Technologies- Scam alert - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
7/11/2022 9:44:57 AM (1697 views)

Client requirements - Jay Duncan/MO
5/31/2022 8:27:37 AM (2260 views)
Re: Client requirements - Victoria  Wertz/GA
5/31/2022 9:00:45 AM (2174 views)
Re: Client requirements - Judy Maclauchlan/LA
6/5/2022 1:47:09 PM (2036 views)
Re: Client requirements - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
7/11/2022 9:43:57 AM (1649 views)
Re: Client requirements - Craig Honeker/AZ
5/31/2022 5:54:47 PM (2090 views)

We had a large client ask us for background searches (through their preferred vendor and at our expense) several years ago. I'll share with you part of our reply:



  1. Background checks and employee review is already being done within our company.  If we agreed to your new requirements, it appears that we would (at a minimum after the first two year period) have to purchase background searches through your service provider.  This would be redundant, and the additional expense would have no value to us. *IF* we were to agree to the requirements, we would expect <company> to pay the expense.  To take this a step further: if all of our clients required this, and we had to use their preferred search provider, we would have to obtain background checks from dozens of service providers to satisfy the requirements.
  2. Your requirements state that we would need to transmit the background searches for each of our staff to you, and to do so every two years.  As an independent contractor, this is an unreasonable requirement and one that sets a disturbing precedence. We service hundreds of clients, and I’m quite certain that our staff would take issue with us transmitting their background searches to our clients – whether it be one or hundreds of clients.  We have an obligation to protect our staff’s personal information, as well as our clients. Furthermore, is <company> transmitting the background searches for all of its internal staff to all of its clients? I would expect nothing less than a mutiny from your staff if you did.
  3. While we have every confidence in our staff, we have to ask the question: What would happen if a background search on one of our employees turned up something that was unacceptable to <company> or any other organization?  Would <company> then dictate that we terminate such employee?  We feel that this crosses the line of our independent contractor status, allowing <company> to have a say in our hiring practices.
  4. Are these new requirements being equally applied to offshore contractors that <company> utilizes?  If so, we’d like to know how <company> can reliably run a background check on individuals outside of the United States.
  5. Is there a legal requirement resulting from new regulation that necessitates <company> having background checks on file for independent abstractors?

In the end, we did not comply with their request - and saw no change in the amount of work they send us. 

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Re: Client requirements - Jay Duncan/MO
5/31/2022 6:19:17 PM (2030 views)
Re: Client requirements - Craig Honeker/AZ
5/31/2022 6:22:37 PM (2043 views)
Re: Client requirements - Customer  Service/OH
7/21/2022 9:25:52 AM (1602 views)
Re: Client requirements - Sherryl Heberlig/PA
6/6/2022 9:21:21 AM (1924 views)
Re: Client requirements - Paula Reynolds/FL
6/13/2022 3:26:11 PM (1822 views)
Re: Client requirements - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
7/11/2022 9:41:14 AM (1601 views)
Re: Client requirements - R. Hurlbert/CA
7/25/2022 8:32:54 PM (1602 views)

office 365 - Dan Zook/NY
5/18/2022 8:01:23 PM (1777 views)
Re: office 365 - James Powell/MI
5/19/2022 10:22:18 AM (1955 views)
Re: office 365 - Dan Zook/NY
5/19/2022 10:23:58 AM (1916 views)
Re: office 365 - Jay Duncan/MO
5/23/2022 8:29:04 AM (1763 views)

5/18/2022 2:50:41 PM (1916 views)
Re: BEWARE: Avante Title - MN - george Hubka/MI
5/23/2022 9:24:41 AM (1929 views)

5/18/2022 2:43:50 PM (1758 views)
Re: BEWARE: Lifeline Abstract - AR - Jessica Kissel/AR
6/17/2022 3:51:13 PM (1957 views)
Re: BEWARE: Lifeline Abstract - AR - Jill Kissell/IA
9/14/2022 3:16:18 PM (1424 views)

Sourcepoint Mortgage - Jill Kissell/IA
5/17/2022 5:02:14 PM (1650 views)
Re: Sourcepoint Mortgage - Marilyn Knobel/NY
5/23/2022 1:09:18 PM (2014 views)

QUICKIE TITLE - Jason Knowles/AL
5/17/2022 2:57:59 PM (1768 views)
Re: QUICKIE TITLE - george Hubka/MI
5/23/2022 9:25:48 AM (1964 views)

Tyler Technologies Land Records - Justin Shepard/VA
5/16/2022 6:31:16 PM (1820 views)
Re: Tyler Technologies Land Records - george Hubka/MI
5/23/2022 9:28:16 AM (2286 views)
Re: Tyler Technologies Land Records - Justin Shepard/VA
5/23/2022 9:48:05 AM (1965 views)
Re: Tyler Technologies Land Records - Robert Franco/OH
6/6/2022 11:36:14 AM (1911 views)
Re: Tyler Technologies Land Records - george Hubka/MI
6/6/2022 2:21:21 PM (1945 views)
Re: Tyler Technologies Land Records - george Hubka/MI
6/6/2022 2:21:23 PM (1986 views)
Re: Tyler Technologies Land Records - Randi Erickson/MN
6/2/2022 7:25:25 PM (1884 views)

Online Searches in New York State of all counties - Abhinav Kumar G/TX
5/10/2022 2:18:52 PM (1872 views)
Re: Online Searches in New York State of all counties - george Hubka/MI
5/13/2022 5:13:13 PM (2047 views)
Re: Online Searches in New York State of all counties - Abhinav Kumar G/TX
5/13/2022 5:41:25 PM (1977 views)
Re: Online Searches in New York State of all counties - george Hubka/MI
5/16/2022 11:20:58 AM (2039 views)
Re: Online Searches in New York State of all counties - Abhinav Kumar G/TX
5/16/2022 11:29:36 AM (1994 views)
Re: Online Searches in New York State of all counties - george Hubka/MI
5/16/2022 11:49:52 AM (1859 views)
Re: Online Searches in New York State of all counties - Abhinav Kumar G/TX
5/16/2022 11:58:11 AM (1862 views)
Re: Online Searches in New York State of all counties - george Hubka/MI
5/16/2022 12:04:33 PM (2025 views)

4/27/2022 10:25:10 AM (1247 views)

MTI Title Solutions - Elizabeth Helman/PA
4/26/2022 12:09:06 PM (1644 views)
Re: MTI Title Solutions - george Hubka/MI
4/26/2022 8:29:09 PM (2058 views)
Re: MTI Title Solutions - Mike Gomez/NV
5/16/2022 12:53:08 PM (1832 views)
Re: MTI Title Solutions - Elizabeth Helman/PA
5/16/2022 1:19:55 PM (1892 views)
Re: MTI Title Solutions - george Hubka/MI
5/16/2022 8:22:29 PM (1830 views)
Re: MTI Title Solutions - Paul Reichner/MD
5/31/2022 9:25:47 AM (1713 views)
Re: MTI Title Solutions - Mike Gomez/NV
5/31/2022 9:44:57 AM (1841 views)

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