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Diane Baker Abstracting a no pay - Joyce Harper/OH
10/1/2010 2:48:01 PM (4665 views)
Re: Diane Baker Abstracting a no pay - Jason Roush/OH
10/4/2010 8:52:40 AM (3689 views)
Re: Diane Baker Abstracting a no pay - Joyce Harper/OH
10/4/2010 4:00:32 PM (3800 views)
Re: Diane Baker Abstracting a no pay - Jason Knowles/AL
10/18/2010 5:42:41 PM (3408 views)

DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Scott Perry/PA
10/1/2010 2:35:14 PM (5528 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Robert Franco/OH
10/1/2010 4:10:20 PM (3321 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Slade Smith/OH
10/1/2010 4:55:18 PM (3203 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Scott Perry/PA
10/1/2010 5:07:03 PM (3228 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Slade Smith/OH
10/1/2010 6:31:52 PM (3289 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Scott Perry/PA
10/1/2010 9:21:44 PM (3076 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Slade Smith/OH
10/1/2010 11:32:49 PM (3170 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Scott Perry/PA
10/2/2010 11:14:02 AM (3040 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Slade Smith/OH
10/4/2010 10:36:28 AM (5971 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Scott Perry/PA
10/5/2010 9:23:58 AM (2931 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - William Pattison /CA
10/4/2010 12:10:47 PM (3053 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - michael quinn/NY
10/2/2010 12:09:35 AM (3172 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - George Booth/OH
10/3/2010 12:07:23 AM (3112 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Robert Franco/AK
10/4/2010 11:57:17 AM (5783 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Leigh Attridge/MA
10/4/2010 1:06:14 PM (2965 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - George Booth/OH
10/4/2010 2:49:10 PM (3050 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Robert Franco/OH
10/4/2010 3:35:11 PM (3119 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Leigh Attridge/MA
10/4/2010 4:35:24 PM (3070 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - George Booth/OH
10/4/2010 6:29:57 PM (3049 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Slade Smith
10/4/2010 7:52:53 PM (6065 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - George Booth/OH
10/5/2010 1:07:01 AM (3128 views)


Here's the problem. First of all, I met you, I think you're a good guy and really nice when I've popped in Roberts office twice I think total. Saw you the first time surrounded by monitors, impressive rig...

Now onto your condescending faux suprise strrreeeetttcchhhing of the "tax bracket" comparison. Let's try this with Robert as the Honrable Judge today.

Your Honor, (no giggling)

The tax brackets affect all American equally at once, sharing the burden among the poor, middle and upper class earners proportionally.

It was this great Nation's proclaimation that all men were created equal, and most importantly all men are entitled to equality under the law. To partition out a particular class of people and impose greater burden upon them simply because they are a minority is not only aggregious but goes against the fundamental rule of equality under the law. When legislation is passed, or allowed to expire,  that singularly punishes a minority because of their status, does that not go against every thing we as a Nation believe in?

Because one minority in this Country already pays the way for the majority does it seem fit to not only bite the hand that feeds, but to take a machete to it? How is this equal? How is this Justice? It is nothing more than a lazy shakedown of those that worked hard for their position and accumulated that wealth over years and sometimes generations. Instead of eyeing the golden goose why not look inward first. It's far easier to cut spending than to take from an already imposed upon minority.

Would we be looking at these minorities to bail the Country out if we had let Capitalism run its course and allow those banks to fail? Would we be digging into those pockets of hard working entrepeneurs had we not bailed out Unions for bad investments and worse contracts that could never be fulfilled? It takes close to 40 workers simply to pay for the benefits of 1 retiree now. How does this now become the problem and responsibility of the 1% minority?  Why does congress get their own retirement parachute? Why do they get better than the average American's health insurance? Why do they receive huge budgets and get their pay raises when the Country is in a recession. It's hard to fight against the sole arguement of a "could have been, would have been, might have been scenario." Are hypothetical allowed in normal Courts? We got scammed into believing that the world would stop spinning life would come to an end as we know it unless we spent money we didn't have, and spend it right away. How on earth did we get through the colonial years....

The fear mongers in Washington are doing nothing but shifting the focus, playing the age old blame game. "He's the reason for your plight", "The rich man is greedy and responsible for all your misery" "He should have to pay the penalty for being rich, he is the source of your problems, not us."

Fact check, the rich man or woman doesn't set the National budget, they don't make laws and they don't make banking or housing or health regulations. People in congress that think they know better than everyone else do those things. Stop falling for the blame game. Stop falling for the slight of hand. The rich already pay the majority of the taxes, why on earth would you make it even more hostile for them?

The minority we are talking about employ people, they create things, they own companies because they are the best and the brightest of America. Our solution..... screw em, let's bleed this turnip dry until they all leave. After the rich are taxed out of the US, what next? Who comes next? Government won't stop their habits, you can take all the rich people's money at once and it still won't pay off the National debt. So what then? When they leave, they'll take their jobs with them, when unemployment reaches 20%, who will you blame then? Bush of course.Reagan? Nixon? It doesn't matter because the elitists and scholars have it all figured out already and they already know, they aren't to blame.

I rest my case.


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Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Slade Smith/OH
10/6/2010 7:58:06 AM (3069 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Scott Perry/PA
10/6/2010 9:31:27 AM (2901 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Jessica Talley/NJ
10/6/2010 2:08:07 PM (3089 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Leigh Attridge/MA
10/4/2010 7:57:22 PM (2979 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Robert Franco/OH
10/5/2010 10:57:39 AM (3070 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - George Booth/OH
10/5/2010 11:57:49 AM (3006 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Robert Franco
10/5/2010 1:01:24 PM (2981 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - George Booth/OH
10/5/2010 7:30:12 PM (3143 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Robert Franco/OH
10/6/2010 11:28:58 AM (2923 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - George Booth/OH
10/7/2010 2:26:27 AM (3067 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Robert Franco/OH
10/7/2010 10:53:38 AM (2835 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - George Booth/OH
10/7/2010 7:36:38 PM (2978 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Slade Smith/OH
10/8/2010 4:05:01 AM (2976 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Robert Franco/OH
10/8/2010 10:23:18 AM (2912 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Scott Perry/PA
10/4/2010 5:39:20 PM (5764 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Robert Franco/OH
10/5/2010 11:08:33 AM (2982 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Scott Perry
10/5/2010 12:10:49 PM (2977 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Robert Franco/OH
10/5/2010 12:54:19 PM (2886 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Scott Perry/PA
10/5/2010 1:50:09 PM (2989 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Robert Franco/OH
10/5/2010 1:56:28 PM (2845 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Scott Perry/PA
10/5/2010 2:09:44 PM (2883 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Robert Franco/OH
10/5/2010 3:55:53 PM (5391 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Jessica Talley/NJ
10/5/2010 7:27:38 PM (2778 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - George Booth/OH
10/5/2010 7:34:02 PM (3780 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Slade Smith/OH
10/6/2010 8:39:40 AM (2738 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - George Booth/OH
10/6/2010 9:21:14 AM (4901 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Slade Smith/OH
10/6/2010 12:22:20 PM (2875 views)
Re: DISCLAIMER: Off-Topic Post...Read at Your Own Risk - Scott Perry/PA
10/6/2010 10:03:15 AM (2769 views)

Altisource/REALTrans - elizabeth reddy/FL
9/30/2010 11:17:39 AM (8735 views)
Re: Altisource/REALTrans - Jack/FL
9/30/2010 1:14:27 PM (4339 views)
Re: Altisource/REALTrans - Sheila Sten/PA
10/2/2010 3:29:12 PM (4336 views)
Re: Altisource/REALTrans - Anita Binns/IL
10/11/2010 11:29:18 AM (4206 views)
Re: Altisource/REALTrans - Sheila Sten/PA
10/15/2010 6:54:25 AM (3769 views)
Re: Altisource/REALTrans - Barbara Bennett/IN
10/15/2010 3:04:36 PM (4324 views)
Re: Altisource/REALTrans - Jonathan Bettner/FL
11/1/2010 7:39:52 PM (4956 views)
11/3/2010 3:10:58 PM (4480 views)

More evidence of fraud in Florida - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
9/29/2010 8:34:53 PM (5043 views)
Funny stuff from the defense lawyer of one of the foreclosure mills - Slade Smith/OH
9/30/2010 4:35:00 PM (6454 views)
Re: Funny stuff from the defense lawyer of one of the foreclosure mills - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
10/1/2010 9:52:15 PM (3128 views)
Re: Funny stuff from the defense lawyer of one of the foreclosure mills - Leigh Attridge/MA
10/4/2010 9:09:10 PM (3163 views)

Insuring out of foreclosure - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
9/29/2010 8:11:32 PM (3342 views)
Re: Insuring out of foreclosure - David Hoechster/NC
9/29/2010 10:03:02 PM (3163 views)
Re: Insuring out of foreclosure - Slade Smith/OH
9/29/2010 10:15:20 PM (3221 views)
Re: Insuring out of foreclosure - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
9/29/2010 11:09:50 PM (3041 views)
Re: Insuring out of foreclosure - Patrick Scott/IL
10/6/2010 11:22:26 AM (3023 views)

JP Morgan Chase Halts Foreclosures - Slade Smith/OH
9/29/2010 4:34:34 PM (4113 views)
Re: JP Morgan Chase Halts Foreclosures - Leigh Attridge/MA
9/29/2010 4:39:27 PM (3255 views)
Re: JP Morgan Chase Halts Foreclosures - Slade Smith/OH
9/29/2010 4:58:19 PM (3343 views)
Re: JP Morgan Chase Halts Foreclosures - Robert Franco/OH
9/29/2010 5:04:46 PM (3823 views)
Re: JP Morgan Chase Halts Foreclosures - Leigh Attridge/MA
9/29/2010 5:50:50 PM (3324 views)
Re: JP Morgan Chase Halts Foreclosures - William Pattison /CA
10/12/2010 12:42:28 PM (3287 views)

Realty Data - mike skene/CA
9/29/2010 1:47:10 PM (3924 views)
9/29/2010 2:31:14 PM (3497 views)
Re: Realty Data - Leigh Attridge/MA
9/29/2010 4:16:05 PM (3238 views)
Re: Realty Data - Nils Nelson/ME
9/30/2010 11:47:55 AM (3164 views)
Re: Realty Data - mike skene/CA
9/30/2010 12:22:06 PM (3719 views)
Re: Realty Data - Nils Nelson/ME
9/30/2010 3:06:33 PM (3319 views)

A scam, but I'm not sure how it works - Leigh Attridge/MA
9/28/2010 8:27:30 AM (4174 views)
Re: A scam, but I'm not sure how it works - David Hoechster/NC
9/29/2010 10:23:18 PM (3327 views)
Re: A scam, but I'm not sure how it works - Slade Smith/OH
9/30/2010 1:51:59 AM (6264 views)
Re: A scam, but I'm not sure how it works - Leigh Attridge/MA
9/30/2010 9:01:20 AM (3085 views)

Comment on "States Take Action Against GMAC/Ally, Other Banks May Soon Be in Hot Water" - Source of Title/OH
9/27/2010 3:53:56 PM (3473 views)
Update on JP Morgan Chase - Slade Smith/OH
9/27/2010 3:53:56 PM (8105 views)
Re: Update on JP Morgan Chase - Jessica Talley/NJ
9/27/2010 4:01:16 PM (4648 views)
Re: Update on JP Morgan Chase - Leigh Attridge/MA
9/27/2010 6:29:04 PM (4661 views)
Re: Comment on "States Take Action Against GMAC/Ally, Other Banks May Soon Be in Hot Water" - William Pattison /CA
10/12/2010 12:45:23 PM (4462 views)

NYT Article- Raters Ignored Problems with Unsafe Loans - Leigh Attridge/MA
9/27/2010 9:35:36 AM (4378 views)

9/25/2010 5:20:01 AM (4569 views)
9/25/2010 5:43:15 PM (3681 views)
9/27/2010 9:14:20 AM (3533 views)
9/27/2010 12:48:04 PM (3341 views)
Re: TITLE SOLUTIONS, INC. - Jason Knowles/AL
9/27/2010 5:03:57 PM (3305 views)
Re: TITLE SOLUTIONS, INC. - Jodi Thornton/MS
10/4/2010 10:58:21 AM (3199 views)
Re: TITLE SOLUTIONS, INC. - john rutledge/VA
10/4/2010 11:28:21 AM (3347 views)

abstracts a gogo - Robert Alvey/VA
9/24/2010 8:44:41 AM (4206 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - Robert Franco/OH
9/24/2010 9:35:48 AM (3562 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - Barbara Bennett/IN
9/24/2010 12:59:35 PM (3433 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - K C/NJ
9/24/2010 2:12:26 PM (3341 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - William Pattison /CA
9/27/2010 2:43:07 PM (3220 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - Nils Nelson/ME
9/27/2010 3:56:49 PM (3093 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - Jessica Talley/NJ
9/27/2010 4:03:44 PM (3174 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - Nils Nelson/ME
9/27/2010 7:26:20 PM (3177 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - Jessica Talley/NJ
9/28/2010 5:44:21 PM (3178 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - Nils Nelson/ME
9/29/2010 7:44:54 PM (3207 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - Nils Nelson/ME
10/12/2010 6:13:44 PM (3098 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - Jessica Talley/NJ
9/24/2010 9:43:04 PM (3425 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - Joe Mundy/GA
9/25/2010 12:55:16 AM (3422 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - K C/NJ
9/29/2010 1:02:26 PM (3203 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - PAULA DEEM  REYNOLDS/FL
9/29/2010 2:41:19 PM (3158 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - K C/NJ
10/4/2010 12:44:13 PM (3131 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - Matt Papsch/MD
9/30/2010 11:45:22 AM (3147 views)
News break... - K C/NJ
10/4/2010 12:45:40 PM (3008 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - Robert Alvey/VA
10/23/2010 11:21:59 AM (2999 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - maria santorello/NY
10/20/2011 7:39:41 PM (2325 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - Nils Nelson/ME
10/20/2011 9:00:56 PM (2380 views)

Need A Cheap Title Search Done Quietly? Give Us A Trial! - Jack Johanson/PA
9/23/2010 2:12:41 PM (7791 views)
Re: Need A Cheap Title Search Done Quietly? Give Us A Trial! - Leigh Attridge/MA
9/23/2010 2:42:13 PM (3497 views)
Re: Need A Cheap Title Search Done Quietly? Give Us A Trial! - Deborah Manion/VA
9/23/2010 3:38:28 PM (3518 views)
Re: Need A Cheap Title Search Done Quietly? Give Us A Trial! - monica froese/ME
9/23/2010 9:35:47 PM (4519 views)
Re: Need A Cheap Title Search Done Quietly? Give Us A Trial! - David Hoechster/NC
9/23/2010 9:58:30 PM (3625 views)
Re: Need A Cheap Title Search Done Quietly? Give Us A Trial! - Jack Johanson/PA
9/24/2010 9:03:42 AM (3460 views)
Re: Need A Cheap Title Search Done Quietly? Give Us A Trial! - K C/NJ
9/24/2010 2:16:13 PM (3316 views)
Re: Need A Cheap Title Search Done Quietly? Give Us A Trial! - Leigh Attridge/MA
9/25/2010 8:30:53 PM (3293 views)
Re: Need A Cheap Title Search Done Quietly? Give Us A Trial! - William Pattison /CA
9/27/2010 2:36:57 PM (3219 views)
Re: Need A Cheap Title Search Done Quietly? Give Us A Trial! - john franz/NJ
10/11/2010 10:00:46 AM (2977 views)
Re: Need A Cheap Title Search Done Quietly? Give Us A Trial! - joe zhu/VA
10/13/2010 4:39:14 PM (3008 views)

Ally Bank mortgage foreclosure moratorium - Leigh Attridge/MA
9/22/2010 5:55:14 PM (6976 views)
Re: Ally Bank mortgage foreclosure moratorium - Slade Smith/OH
9/23/2010 2:46:48 AM (3189 views)
Re: Ally Bank mortgage foreclosure moratorium - Leigh Attridge/MA
9/23/2010 8:09:28 AM (3190 views)

Boston National Settlement Serivces - Matthew DeLand/NY
9/22/2010 5:35:36 PM (3710 views)
Re: Boston National Settlement Serivces - Matt Papsch/MD
10/23/2010 10:42:05 AM (2917 views)
Re: Boston National Settlement Serivces - Matt Papsch
11/11/2010 7:54:10 PM (2868 views)
Re: Boston National Settlement Serivces - Matt Papsch/MD
11/12/2010 4:13:58 PM (2782 views)

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