I was asking that they send me a copy of the Deed to be recorded in our transaction. Upon receipt I noticed that the deed had been signed but not yet witnessed, notarized, etc.
There has been a lot of information cited nationally and in our local news relating to the fact that documents are being improperly notarized and that the notary who placed his/her seal and signature on thousands of deeds currently in our land records, never witnessed the signature.
The sample deed is more evidence of the fact that the notary was not present at signing, the date of the signature is just anyone's guess, and for that matter, the effective date of the deed is left open. I'm sure they will complete those petty issues prior to sending me the original. 
I will end up getting a new deed and recording and insuring same. I just wanted to share with you all the fact that despite headline news about robo-signing, defective acknowledgements, etc., it is clear that it's business as usual. And now that the major underwriters have determined that they will insure over these blatent missteps, I wonder whether anyone will even bother to look at such inconsequential things as notary acknowledgments and dates.
Slade, thank you for your help in posting that copy.
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