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A scam, but I'm not sure how it works - Leigh Attridge/MA
9/28/2010 8:27:30 AM (3955 views)
Re: A scam, but I'm not sure how it works - David Hoechster/NC
9/29/2010 10:23:18 PM (2867 views)
Re: A scam, but I'm not sure how it works - Slade Smith/OH
9/30/2010 1:51:59 AM (5821 views)
Re: A scam, but I'm not sure how it works - Leigh Attridge/MA
9/30/2010 9:01:20 AM (2666 views)

Thanks guys.  I thought it might be a variation of the bouncing check scam, but couldn't figure out how they would pull it off.  The routing number being off by one numeral makes perfect sense. 

And thanks, Slade for the link.


"The weed of crime bears bitter fruit..."

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Comment on "States Take Action Against GMAC/Ally, Other Banks May Soon Be in Hot Water" - Source of Title/OH
9/27/2010 3:53:56 PM (3226 views)
Update on JP Morgan Chase - Slade Smith/OH
9/27/2010 3:53:56 PM (7532 views)
Re: Update on JP Morgan Chase - Jessica Talley/NJ
9/27/2010 4:01:16 PM (4121 views)
Re: Update on JP Morgan Chase - Leigh Attridge/MA
9/27/2010 6:29:04 PM (4121 views)
Re: Comment on "States Take Action Against GMAC/Ally, Other Banks May Soon Be in Hot Water" - William Pattison /CA
10/12/2010 12:45:23 PM (3889 views)

NYT Article- Raters Ignored Problems with Unsafe Loans - Leigh Attridge/MA
9/27/2010 9:35:36 AM (4167 views)

9/25/2010 5:20:01 AM (4410 views)
9/25/2010 5:43:15 PM (3312 views)
9/27/2010 9:14:20 AM (3147 views)
9/27/2010 12:48:04 PM (2925 views)
Re: TITLE SOLUTIONS, INC. - Jason Knowles/AL
9/27/2010 5:03:57 PM (2903 views)
Re: TITLE SOLUTIONS, INC. - Jodi Thornton/MS
10/4/2010 10:58:21 AM (2788 views)
Re: TITLE SOLUTIONS, INC. - john rutledge/VA
10/4/2010 11:28:21 AM (2952 views)

abstracts a gogo - Robert Alvey/VA
9/24/2010 8:44:41 AM (4052 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - Robert Franco/OH
9/24/2010 9:35:48 AM (3195 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - Barbara Bennett/IN
9/24/2010 12:59:35 PM (3072 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - K C/NJ
9/24/2010 2:12:26 PM (2980 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - William Pattison /CA
9/27/2010 2:43:07 PM (2855 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - Nils Nelson/ME
9/27/2010 3:56:49 PM (2723 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - Jessica Talley/NJ
9/27/2010 4:03:44 PM (2800 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - Nils Nelson/ME
9/27/2010 7:26:20 PM (2805 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - Jessica Talley/NJ
9/28/2010 5:44:21 PM (2794 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - Nils Nelson/ME
9/29/2010 7:44:54 PM (2760 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - Nils Nelson/ME
10/12/2010 6:13:44 PM (2692 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - Jessica Talley/NJ
9/24/2010 9:43:04 PM (3032 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - Joe Mundy/GA
9/25/2010 12:55:16 AM (3047 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - K C/NJ
9/29/2010 1:02:26 PM (2804 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - PAULA DEEM  REYNOLDS/FL
9/29/2010 2:41:19 PM (2781 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - K C/NJ
10/4/2010 12:44:13 PM (2752 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - Matt Papsch/MD
9/30/2010 11:45:22 AM (2751 views)
News break... - K C/NJ
10/4/2010 12:45:40 PM (2631 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - Robert Alvey/VA
10/23/2010 11:21:59 AM (2626 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - maria santorello/NY
10/20/2011 7:39:41 PM (1952 views)
Re: abstracts a gogo - Nils Nelson/ME
10/20/2011 9:00:56 PM (1990 views)

Real Title Services

Need A Cheap Title Search Done Quietly? Give Us A Trial! - Jack Johanson/PA
9/23/2010 2:12:41 PM (7616 views)
Re: Need A Cheap Title Search Done Quietly? Give Us A Trial! - Leigh Attridge/MA
9/23/2010 2:42:13 PM (3120 views)
Re: Need A Cheap Title Search Done Quietly? Give Us A Trial! - Deborah Manion/VA
9/23/2010 3:38:28 PM (3133 views)
Re: Need A Cheap Title Search Done Quietly? Give Us A Trial! - monica froese/ME
9/23/2010 9:35:47 PM (4145 views)
Re: Need A Cheap Title Search Done Quietly? Give Us A Trial! - David Hoechster/NC
9/23/2010 9:58:30 PM (3247 views)
Re: Need A Cheap Title Search Done Quietly? Give Us A Trial! - Jack Johanson/PA
9/24/2010 9:03:42 AM (3076 views)
Re: Need A Cheap Title Search Done Quietly? Give Us A Trial! - K C/NJ
9/24/2010 2:16:13 PM (2952 views)
Re: Need A Cheap Title Search Done Quietly? Give Us A Trial! - Leigh Attridge/MA
9/25/2010 8:30:53 PM (2936 views)
Re: Need A Cheap Title Search Done Quietly? Give Us A Trial! - William Pattison /CA
9/27/2010 2:36:57 PM (2841 views)
Re: Need A Cheap Title Search Done Quietly? Give Us A Trial! - john franz/NJ
10/11/2010 10:00:46 AM (2557 views)
Re: Need A Cheap Title Search Done Quietly? Give Us A Trial! - joe zhu/VA
10/13/2010 4:39:14 PM (2620 views)

Ally Bank mortgage foreclosure moratorium - Leigh Attridge/MA
9/22/2010 5:55:14 PM (6716 views)
Re: Ally Bank mortgage foreclosure moratorium - Slade Smith/OH
9/23/2010 2:46:48 AM (2821 views)
Re: Ally Bank mortgage foreclosure moratorium - Leigh Attridge/MA
9/23/2010 8:09:28 AM (2807 views)

Boston National Settlement Serivces - Matthew DeLand/NY
9/22/2010 5:35:36 PM (3529 views)
Re: Boston National Settlement Serivces - Matt Papsch/MD
10/23/2010 10:42:05 AM (2550 views)
Re: Boston National Settlement Serivces - Matt Papsch
11/11/2010 7:54:10 PM (2500 views)
Re: Boston National Settlement Serivces - Matt Papsch/MD
11/12/2010 4:13:58 PM (2412 views)

Comment on "Elizabeth Warren Takes on Simplifying Mortgage Documents" - Source of Title/OH
9/22/2010 1:52:58 PM (3220 views)
I wonder how that will play out... - Amy Jensen/OR
9/22/2010 1:52:58 PM (2582 views)
Re: I wonder how that will play out... - Robert Franco/OH
9/22/2010 3:09:15 PM (2586 views)
Re: I wonder how that will play out... - Amy Jensen/OR
9/22/2010 4:56:26 PM (2557 views)
Re: I wonder how that will play out... - Robert Franco/OH
9/22/2010 5:04:00 PM (2488 views)
Re: I wonder how that will play out... - Scott Perry/PA
9/22/2010 5:44:19 PM (2594 views)
Re: I wonder how that will play out... - Robert Franco/OH
9/22/2010 6:29:24 PM (2498 views)
Re: I wonder how that will play out... - Scott Perry/PA
9/23/2010 10:03:53 AM (5107 views)
Re: I wonder how that will play out... - Slade Smith/OH
9/23/2010 1:46:33 PM (2664 views)
Re: I wonder how that will play out... - Scott Perry/PA
9/23/2010 3:22:27 PM (2585 views)
Re: I wonder how that will play out... - Jessica Talley/NJ
9/22/2010 7:05:33 PM (2448 views)
Re: I wonder how that will play out... - Slade Smith/OH
9/23/2010 2:02:53 AM (2520 views)
Re: I wonder how that will play out... - Renee Kovacs/MI
9/23/2010 5:40:10 AM (2499 views)
Time for signing... - Amy Jensen/OR
9/23/2010 1:33:38 PM (2403 views)
Re: I wonder how that will play out... - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
9/23/2010 3:05:45 PM (2552 views)
Re: I wonder how that will play out... - Jessica Talley/NJ
9/24/2010 6:04:41 AM (2512 views)
Re: I wonder how that will play out... - William Pattison /CA
9/23/2010 11:37:05 AM (2475 views)
Re: I wonder how that will play out... - Leigh Attridge/MA
9/23/2010 1:09:50 PM (2475 views)

National Bank Operating Subsidiary List - Leigh Attridge/MA
9/22/2010 8:29:48 AM (4353 views)

Comment on ""Abstractor" Gets Drilled By Cops Over Fake Gas Rights" - Source of Title/OH
9/20/2010 7:01:09 PM (3142 views)
Amazing This Doesn't Happen More Often - Scott Perry/PA
9/20/2010 7:01:09 PM (7667 views)
Re: Amazing This Doesn't Happen More Often - George Booth/OH
9/22/2010 1:06:07 PM (7597 views)
Re: Amazing This Doesn't Happen More Often - Scott Perry/PA
9/22/2010 2:21:28 PM (7514 views)
Re: Amazing This Doesn't Happen More Often - Eric Mattson/WV
9/27/2010 9:05:19 AM (7476 views)
learning - Loretta Atkinson/PA
3/16/2011 4:11:20 PM (6581 views)

Lefty blogs pick up on title issues - Slade Smith/OH
9/20/2010 5:54:30 PM (4627 views)
Re: Lefty blogs pick up on title issues - George Booth/OH
9/22/2010 1:09:53 PM (2651 views)

Global Data Source - Stacey Duque/GA
9/20/2010 4:36:39 PM (3467 views)
Re: Global Data Source - Leigh Attridge/MA
9/20/2010 5:37:54 PM (2840 views)
Re: Global Data Source - Ron McPherson/IA
9/21/2010 12:18:07 PM (2855 views)
Re: Global Data Source - Leigh Attridge/MA
9/21/2010 2:30:58 PM (2847 views)
Re: Global Data Source - Ron McPherson/IA
9/22/2010 2:05:14 AM (2748 views)
Re: Global Data Source - Leigh Attridge/MA
9/22/2010 8:28:29 AM (2753 views)
Re: Global Data Source - Leigh Attridge/MA
9/28/2010 9:59:29 AM (2654 views)
Re: Global Data Source - Susan Raynard/MA
12/6/2010 4:06:49 PM (2401 views)
Re: Global Data Source - Joseph Weaver/VA
12/6/2010 4:37:58 PM (2359 views)

Comment on "Undisclosed Code Violation Notices Leave Homebuyers Holding the Bag" - Source of Title/OH
9/20/2010 2:03:35 PM (2993 views)
Government & State at Their Best Again - William Pattison /CA
9/20/2010 2:03:35 PM (2820 views)
Re: Government & State at Their Best Again - Slade Smith/OH
9/20/2010 4:56:48 PM (5591 views)
Re: Government & State at Their Best Again - Robert Franco/OH
9/21/2010 9:28:10 AM (2755 views)
Re: Government & State at Their Best Again - William Pattison /CA
9/23/2010 11:44:10 AM (2704 views)
Minimum Setback - KELLY CASKEY/TX
9/27/2010 2:52:54 PM (2696 views)
Re: Minimum Setback - Slade Smith/OH
9/27/2010 4:09:02 PM (2543 views)
Re: Minimum Setback - Robert Franco/OH
9/27/2010 4:22:54 PM (2629 views)
Re: Minimum Setback - Slade Smith/OH
9/27/2010 5:10:39 PM (2566 views)
Re: Minimum Setback - Robert Franco/OH
9/27/2010 5:22:43 PM (2619 views)
Re: Minimum Setback - Slade Smith/OH
9/27/2010 7:09:41 PM (2617 views)
Re: Minimum Setback - Leigh Attridge/MA
9/28/2010 10:23:50 AM (2640 views)
Re: Minimum Setback - Robert Franco/OH
9/28/2010 10:43:11 AM (2632 views)
Re: Minimum Setback - William Pattison /CA
10/4/2010 1:59:03 PM (2564 views)

Another Case of a Bank Foreclosing in Error - Slade Smith/OH
9/17/2010 2:16:24 PM (4559 views)
Re: Another Case of a Bank Foreclosing in Error - William Pattison /CA
10/4/2010 2:08:07 PM (2439 views)

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