And what you are talking about was my issue. We are NOT employees. My question to them was "If I take my car to a mechanic for service, do I need to get their driver's license and other personal information?" NO, not even when they're driving my car for tests! While very nice people, I'm not comfortable giving out personal information AND THERE IS NO DRIVER'S LICENSE FOR A CORPORATION which Argent is. I just didn't like it so I passed (but also felt they were kind and polite).
And what difference does it make if someone declared bankruptcy or is even a convicted felon?? WE'RE NOT EMPLOYEES. I'm sure all of us deal with people in many walks of life on a daily basis that we wouldn't lend money to, but we're not doing that. We're providing a service and expect payment BACK to us. It's all sort of weird. I just don't know if they quite get it and the IRS would certainly question the practice if they are also claiming we are independent sub-conctractors.
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