You know, even before you posted this, my inner cynic concluded that all the servicing mills and document mills and foreclosure mills need are better liars. All they really need are people to lie during depositions. They'd just say that they familiarized themselves with the facts on the documents and they always sign with the notary present. If they show them documents like you have there which appear on the surface to be improperly signed? Why the notary must have not pressed down hard enough on their stamp or something.
I mean when you're already breaking the law by signing your name to lies, why not take it to the next level and lie under oath? Surely the banks and foreclosure mills can find more consistent liars in the future. They need to make sure they hire people who can be bought off. David J. Stern screwed up. He bought his head robosigner Cheryl Samons a new BMW every year and paid all her bills to boot, but when it came time to lie in a deposition, she didn't lie enough and admitted some things that were damaging to the foreclosure mill. I mean come on! What good does it do to buy your flunkies a shiny new ride every year when they aren't gonna cover your butt when the chips are down?
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