I suppose I can see both sides of the story here. It seems like the gentleman's intent is noble, but alas our system does not reward common sense or out of the box thinking.
I can't say I would approach the situation as he did, I must admit the guy has some huge cajones to do what he's doing, but what other options do we as neighbors and community have with a system that is backlogged with empty houses in various stages of foreclosure or condemnation? I know some Counties in Florida have tens of thousands of backlogged homes in foreclosure right now. It could be years before those cases are resolved, and in the mean-time the house falls further into disrepair.
There needs to be immediate, well thought out resolution to this crisis that doesn't involve knee-jerk reaction and longer term thinking. I know it goes against my conservative values but what if the Counties took posession fo the absent bank's and owner's properties and did what this guy is doing? If would add to the County revenues for sure and be a tremendous civil service.
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