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Smart Solutions - Alix Ott/MI
10/13/2010 6:27:08 PM (5130 views)
Re: Smart Solutions - Kelly Flores/TN
11/9/2010 1:33:03 PM (2981 views)
Re: Smart Solutions - Anita Binns/IL
1/26/2011 6:53:26 PM (3087 views)

JP Morgan comments on foreclosure halt - Slade Smith/OH
10/13/2010 1:34:44 PM (4931 views)
Re: JP Morgan comments on foreclosure halt - William Pattison /CA
10/14/2010 2:41:47 PM (3165 views)
Re: JP Morgan comments on foreclosure halt - Slade Smith/OH
10/14/2010 3:26:08 PM (3122 views)
Re: JP Morgan comments on foreclosure halt - William Pattison /CA
10/14/2010 3:51:57 PM (2895 views)
Re: JP Morgan comments on foreclosure halt - Slade Smith/OH
10/14/2010 4:33:54 PM (3040 views)
Re: JP Morgan comments on foreclosure halt - William Pattison /CA
10/14/2010 7:16:50 PM (2856 views)
Re: JP Morgan comments on foreclosure halt - Slade Smith/OH
10/15/2010 10:47:25 AM (2902 views)
Re: JP Morgan comments on foreclosure halt - William Pattison /CA
10/15/2010 11:38:28 AM (3089 views)

Not a problem, since I offered more info:

Kevin Frost, independent contractor at Title Court Services.

Mary Bollich the contractor for SPL, Inc.

Jessie McGough as contractor of Pasion Title was threatened by Justin Fish, manager who is son of owner Ed Fish.  (they are indeed hard to find online as Ed seems to me to be rather dodgy, imo).  I've sat within earshot of them talking about this in no unclear terms.

Names named.  The first two firms are online.  All three operate in Calfornia primarily and in multiple counties therein.  Within each of these firms, I've also known and befriended their predecessor independent contractors who handled the duties in this (San Mateo) and nerarby counties. 

Sorry that I couldn't think of Jessie's last name earlier as she recently got married and her maiden name floated to mind.  Had to look it up her current name in emails, myself.

I will reiterate my statement earlier that there is no single "incident".  This is ongoing DAILY business of printing ND's and NT's in this manner, not isolated incidents.  Each of these field agents whom their firms call independent contractors operate in this manner as their client firms do so as institutionalized business practice and have done so for about a year and maybe more.

Hell, skepticism doesn't matter to me in this regard.  I've been posting this info on forums and blogs for months.  The state of investigative journalism in the country is terrible.  These reporters pass around the same stories which do not go deep enoiugh and allow the targets of investigations to frame the context and extent of the stories through their press conferences.  Nobody asks the hard-hitting questions or has the critical thinking skills to take it to that next level.

Since you're the one that is not convinced, I can reasonably presume that this too is beginning to be more credible, but not yet at a threshold for you to be fully so, what next step do you want?  More data, specific documents, a play-by-play of the physical functions taken by the to accomplish these results, phone numbers of company owners and their business addresses?  I could tell you much about our foreclosure industry as my team publishes The Foreclosure Report on Notices of Trustee Sales in San Mateo County and has done so since resuming our publication in Sept. 2009, and did so for about 4 years therebefore, so I'm familiar with foreclosures, know the auctioneers and the bidders, all as part and parcel to my 27+ years in the title industry, all in this county. 

Slade wants to believe and I can convince Slade, I'm sure of that.  Slade:  tell me what else you'd like to know.  I am listening and willing to respond throughout the day  (as time permits and it doesn't eat into my client research time, naturally).

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Re: JP Morgan comments on foreclosure halt - Slade Smith/OH
10/15/2010 1:11:30 PM (2959 views)
Re: JP Morgan comments on foreclosure halt - William Pattison /CA
10/15/2010 5:41:33 PM (2891 views)
Re: JP Morgan comments on foreclosure halt - William Pattison /CA
10/15/2010 5:38:27 PM (2863 views)
Re: JP Morgan comments on foreclosure halt - William Pattison /CA
10/18/2010 12:17:47 PM (2884 views)

Lenders First Choice/Mercury Companies Claims - Rick Hayes/AL
10/13/2010 10:45:15 AM (2934 views)

Reo sales - Thomas Rance/PA
10/12/2010 3:30:24 PM (2976 views)
Re: Reo sales - Robert Franco/OH
10/12/2010 3:42:48 PM (2879 views)

Seasonal Contest - Amy Jensen/OR
10/12/2010 12:17:16 PM (2913 views)
Super Billy and the Records of Doom - William Pattison /CA
10/14/2010 6:22:26 PM (2715 views)

Real Title Services

Comment on "Freehold Capital Partners Enters Written Agreement With Fidelity National Title" - Source of Title/OH
10/11/2010 6:29:39 PM (3014 views)
What? - Average American/NY
10/11/2010 6:29:40 PM (5270 views)
Re: What? - Slade Smith/OH
10/12/2010 7:35:57 AM (5283 views)
Exempt Filing - Exempt Filing?/OH
10/11/2010 7:39:31 PM (8037 views)
Re: Exempt Filing - Robert Franco/OH
10/12/2010 10:02:58 AM (5198 views)
Re: Exempt Filing - Exempt Filing/OH
10/12/2010 11:47:14 AM (5260 views)
Stop? - Bobby/AL
10/12/2010 8:58:25 AM (5194 views)
Re: Stop? - Average American/NY
10/12/2010 9:11:42 AM (5114 views)
Re: Stop? - Slade Smith/OH
10/12/2010 11:00:10 AM (5083 views)
Re: Stop? - Bobby/AL
10/12/2010 1:05:58 PM (5139 views)
Re: Stop? - William Pattison /CA
10/12/2010 11:59:25 AM (5013 views)
Re: Stop? - Bobby/AL
10/12/2010 1:21:33 PM (5123 views)

Mortgage assignment issue - Dave Pelligrinelli/GA
10/11/2010 4:59:05 PM (4860 views)
How this will play out... - Amy Jensen/OR
10/13/2010 12:20:18 PM (2811 views)
Re: Mortgage assignment issue - Slade Smith/OH
10/13/2010 1:45:39 PM (2913 views)
Re: Mortgage assignment issue - Bill Garrett/MS
10/25/2010 3:24:28 PM (2692 views)

Is It Just Me - Karen Hurley/KY
10/11/2010 4:11:42 PM (3147 views)
Re: Is It Just Me - Ron McPherson/IA
10/12/2010 4:02:43 AM (2955 views)
Re: Is It Just Me - Slade Smith/OH
10/12/2010 7:43:34 AM (3113 views)
Re: Is It Just Me - William Pattison /CA
10/12/2010 12:12:02 PM (2943 views)
Re: Is It Just Me - Karen Hurley/KY
10/12/2010 2:48:00 PM (2973 views)
Re: Is It Just Me - William Pattison /CA
10/14/2010 12:29:57 PM (2914 views)
Re: Is It Just Me - Karen Hurley/KY
10/15/2010 12:49:34 AM (2806 views)
Re: Is It Just Me - William Pattison /CA
10/15/2010 6:38:08 PM (2813 views)
Re: Is It Just Me - Edward Brode/CA
10/15/2010 11:40:57 AM (2755 views)
Re: Is It Just Me - William Pattison /CA
10/15/2010 6:20:34 PM (2717 views)
Re: Is It Just Me - s/WI
10/15/2010 12:18:19 PM (2785 views)
Re: Is It Just Me - William Pattison 
10/15/2010 6:28:55 PM (2742 views)

MDA Lending Solutions - Anita Binns/IL
10/11/2010 1:09:58 PM (4042 views)
Re: MDA Lending Solutions - Nils Nelson/ME
10/11/2010 7:04:50 PM (3037 views)
Re: MDA Lending Solutions - Nils Nelson/ME
10/11/2010 7:10:08 PM (2952 views)
Re: MDA Lending Solutions - Jessica Talley/NJ
10/12/2010 11:39:44 AM (2965 views)
Re: MDA Lending Solutions - Daniel Miller/DE
10/12/2010 1:14:38 PM (3135 views)
Re: MDA Lending Solutions - Nils Nelson/ME
10/12/2010 5:59:51 PM (2958 views)
Re: MDA Lending Solutions - K C/NJ
10/21/2010 1:50:28 PM (2921 views)
Re: MDA Lending Solutions - Nils Nelson/ME
10/22/2010 4:50:23 PM (2687 views)
Re: MDA Lending Solutions - Drew Robb/NC
10/18/2010 11:42:57 AM (2974 views)
Re: MDA Lending Solutions - Michael Vernon/AZ
10/18/2010 2:16:53 PM (2836 views)
Re: MDA Lending Solutions - Nathan Miller/KY
4/28/2011 3:56:24 PM (2526 views)
Re: MDA Lending Solutions - Nathan Miller/KY
4/28/2011 10:33:15 PM (2477 views)
Re: MDA Lending Solutions - Nathan Miller/KY
5/3/2011 2:47:24 PM (2421 views)

E & O Claim - Laurie Puckett/TN
10/8/2010 6:11:33 PM (3846 views)
Re: E & O Claim - Leigh Attridge/MA
10/8/2010 6:44:09 PM (3203 views)
Re: E & O Claim - Leigh Attridge/MA
10/8/2010 7:54:19 PM (2894 views)
Re: E & O Claim - Alix Ott/MI
10/10/2010 11:16:30 PM (2946 views)
Re: E & O Claim - Laurie Puckett/TN
10/11/2010 8:56:51 AM (2764 views)
Re: E & O Claim - Robert Franco/OH
10/11/2010 10:18:50 AM (2795 views)
Re: E & O Claim - Kevin Ahern/CT
10/14/2010 2:51:50 PM (2662 views)
Re: E & O Claim - Robert Franco/OH
10/11/2010 10:16:57 AM (2649 views)
Re: E & O Claim - Laurie Puckett/TN
10/11/2010 1:08:24 PM (2671 views)
Re: E & O Claim - Robert Franco/OH
10/11/2010 1:30:56 PM (2693 views)
Re: E & O Claim - Donna McCullough/SC
10/11/2010 9:07:23 PM (2688 views)
Try this Records Test: really - William Pattison /CA
10/12/2010 12:25:14 PM (2694 views)
Re: Try this Records Test: really - Robert Franco
10/12/2010 12:31:34 PM (2709 views)
Re: E & O Claim - William Pattison 
10/12/2010 12:20:21 PM (2645 views)
Re: E & O Claim - Leigh Attridge/MA
10/12/2010 5:12:06 PM (2754 views)
Re: E & O Claim - Marian Littleton/VA
10/14/2010 4:38:22 PM (2681 views)
Re: E & O Claim - Bill Garrett/MS
10/25/2010 12:36:43 PM (2642 views)

No pay - Sandra Harold/KS
10/8/2010 5:06:58 PM (3468 views)
Re: No pay - Jessica Talley/NJ
10/8/2010 6:18:33 PM (2788 views)
Re: No pay - Donna McCullough/SC
10/11/2010 9:13:08 PM (2705 views)
Re: No pay - Jessica Talley/NJ
10/12/2010 11:34:13 AM (2574 views)
Re: No pay - K C/NJ
10/20/2010 8:18:06 PM (2574 views)
Re: No pay - Robert Alvey/VA
10/23/2010 11:03:40 AM (2582 views)
Re: No pay - Sandra Harold/KS
11/13/2010 4:37:36 PM (2504 views)

Wonderful article NYT about the crotchety old man who refused to sell - Leigh Attridge/MA
10/8/2010 4:17:04 PM (4213 views)

BofA halts foreclosure sales in 50 states - Edouard LeLocle/SC
10/8/2010 1:33:12 PM (3530 views)
Re: BofA halts foreclosure sales in 50 states - Janis Talbot/SC
10/9/2010 6:52:17 PM (2632 views)
Re: BofA halts foreclosure sales in 50 states - john franz/NJ
10/11/2010 9:56:28 AM (2585 views)
NO NO NO - William Pattison /CA
10/12/2010 12:31:34 PM (2645 views)

Outer County Title - Robert Alvey/VA
10/7/2010 7:49:11 PM (9466 views)
Attention Robert Franco - Constance Foye/VA
10/11/2010 12:06:23 PM (3960 views)
Re: Attention Robert Franco - Robert Franco/OH
10/11/2010 1:56:35 PM (3259 views)
Re: Attention Robert Franco - Constance Foye/VA
10/11/2010 4:42:24 PM (3128 views)
Re: Attention Robert Franco - Robert Alvey/VA
10/20/2010 9:29:56 AM (3075 views)
Re: Attention Robert Franco - Constance Foye/VA
10/20/2010 11:21:35 AM (3132 views)
Re: Attention Robert Franco - Robert Alvey/VA
10/20/2010 6:56:55 PM (2969 views)
Re: Attention Robert Franco - Robert Alvey/VA
10/20/2010 7:23:44 PM (2951 views)
Re: Attention Robert Franco - Robert Franco/OH
10/20/2010 8:34:27 PM (3238 views)
Re: Attention Robert Franco - K C/NJ
10/21/2010 9:52:01 AM (3103 views)
Re: Attention Robert Franco - Robert Alvey/VA
10/23/2010 11:27:35 AM (3010 views)

Realty Data - Dan Zook/NY
10/7/2010 1:02:56 PM (3121 views)

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