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It all comes back to understanding - George Booth/OH
12/2/2010 9:40:31 AM (2997 views)
You can lead a horse to water... - Slade Smith/OH
12/2/2010 1:09:48 PM (3296 views)
Re: You can lead a horse to water... - Leigh Attridge/MA
12/2/2010 3:50:57 PM (3209 views)
Re: It all comes back to understanding - William Pattison /CA
12/3/2010 7:10:46 PM (3193 views)

How strong is the chain? - michael rafferty/VA
12/1/2010 8:39:11 PM (3289 views)
Re: How strong is the chain? - William Pattison /CA
12/3/2010 7:17:16 PM (3099 views)

Coefficiency, LLC - Ron McPherson/IA
11/30/2010 3:51:25 PM (3769 views)
Re: Coefficiency, LLC - KRISTI HERRING/ID
12/2/2010 10:29:46 AM (3250 views)
Re: Coefficiency, LLC - Ron McPherson/IA
12/3/2010 2:39:12 AM (3187 views)

11/30/2010 1:48:44 PM (4840 views)
11/30/2010 7:07:17 PM (3345 views)
11/30/2010 8:10:30 PM (3360 views)
12/1/2010 1:54:08 PM (3400 views)

11/30/2010 9:39:18 AM (4281 views)

Spanish Woman Claims She Now Owns Sun - Edouard LeLocle/SC
11/27/2010 8:15:17 PM (3306 views)
Re: Spanish Woman Claims She Now Owns Sun - Patrick Scott/IL
11/29/2010 2:38:34 AM (3184 views)
Re: Spanish Woman Claims She Now Owns Sun - Jeffrey Land/NJ
11/29/2010 10:46:54 AM (3382 views)
Re: Spanish Woman Claims She Now Owns Sun - Michael Vernon/AZ
11/29/2010 1:34:29 PM (3187 views)
This just in.... - J. H./OH
11/29/2010 10:19:51 PM (3036 views)
Re: This just in.... - Jessica Talley/NJ
12/2/2010 3:44:52 PM (2953 views)
Re: Spanish Woman Claims She Now Owns Sun - Slade Smith/OH
11/30/2010 3:17:53 AM (3110 views)
Re: Spanish Woman Claims She Now Owns Sun - William Pattison /CA
11/30/2010 4:16:08 PM (2986 views)
Re: Spanish Woman Claims She Now Owns Sun - Deborah Manion/VA
12/1/2010 5:16:38 PM (3056 views)

So much to say, so little time - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
11/24/2010 12:22:55 PM (3044 views)
Happy Thanksgiving! - William Pattison /CA
11/24/2010 12:40:34 PM (2914 views)
Re: So much to say, so little time - Slade Smith/OH
11/24/2010 12:58:28 PM (2849 views)
Re: So much to say, so little time - Matt Papsch/MD
11/24/2010 3:10:29 PM (2879 views)
Re: So much to say, so little time - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
11/24/2010 8:14:13 PM (2830 views)
Re: So much to say, so little time - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
11/24/2010 8:14:53 PM (2827 views)

Lumar Document Retrieval - Deborah Manion/VA
11/23/2010 2:21:52 PM (3677 views)
Re: Lumar Document Retrieval - Abstractor/IL
12/9/2010 5:12:37 PM (3101 views)

How far to go in explaining an order - Alix Ott/MI
11/22/2010 3:07:28 PM (3313 views)
Re: How far to go in explaining an order - Robert Franco/OH
11/22/2010 3:35:07 PM (3230 views)
Re: How far to go in explaining an order - K C/NJ
11/22/2010 6:04:22 PM (3238 views)

I agree with Robert that some companies have clueless people calling the vendors. 

I got a call last Friday, not from our client but from the lender (who obtained our info off the report header).  This woman is telling me we did a search on the wrong guy because the LP is coming up as "Herschel Howard Robinson" and our guy is "Howard Robinson" for a different address.  I slooowwwly explained why it's on the report.  Then she's freaking out that HOW DO WE KNOW THIS GUY HASNT GOTTEN A MORTGAGE SINCE THEN (order from October, Effective 9/29).  I said, well, you don't... did you order an update because I wouldn't  insure or lend on this old report if I were them.  She then tells me there's no chain of title (at this point I'm thinking our report was left off but no, we confirmed she's looking at it).  Trying not to take on the tone of someone talking to someone with an IQ of 60, I explained there's a chain, of ONE link when he bought from HUD in 2006.  We reported no open mortgages and she's looking at the deed and saying this is what shows it's free and clear, right?           WHAT?  I thought they had the cleaning lady call us after hours on the file.

Don't you know she calls again today.  Her U/W wants US to prove that LP & foreclosure (which was not fully satisfied) is not for their borrower.  They have full copies of both.  I told her we can't give opinions on what is or is not applicable to the borrower and that the lender & title company do that through various means and borrowers with common names often have to sign affidavits at closing saying the JL is not theirs.  After that call I spoke to our client, the title company, and asked why this clueless woman is calling us and did they ever order an update?  Nah, of course they didn't.   

I don't mind mapping out a chain or explaining what's going on but this is just incompetence!

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Re: How far to go in explaining an order - Richard Olson/MD
11/24/2010 9:10:34 AM (3065 views)
Re: How far to go in explaining an order - Robert Franco/OH
11/24/2010 9:58:01 AM (3180 views)
Re: How far to go in explaining an order - Richard Olson/MD
11/24/2010 10:29:41 AM (3112 views)
Re: How far to go in explaining an order - Robert Franco/OH
11/24/2010 10:39:56 AM (3596 views)
Agree with Essentials - William Pattison 
11/24/2010 12:37:01 PM (3067 views)
Re: How far to go in explaining an order - Jessica Talley/NJ
11/24/2010 9:51:07 PM (3038 views)
Re: How far to go in explaining an order - William Pattison /CA
11/24/2010 11:42:02 AM (3048 views)
Thank you, everyone! - Alix Ott/MI
11/29/2010 7:06:00 AM (3059 views)

Abstractors A Go Go - Deborah Manion/VA
11/22/2010 2:29:54 PM (4398 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Linda/NJ
11/22/2010 3:02:36 PM (3203 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Linda/NJ
11/22/2010 3:07:02 PM (3100 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Linda/NJ
11/22/2010 3:23:45 PM (3072 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Jason Knowles/AL
11/24/2010 2:28:08 PM (2967 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - maria santorello/NY
11/23/2010 6:03:18 PM (3002 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Abstractopia/NJ
11/24/2010 9:48:18 AM (2946 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - LINDA/NJ
11/23/2010 4:45:52 PM (3033 views)
Abstractors A Go Gone - Elizabeth Helman/PA
11/23/2010 7:40:16 PM (3107 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - maria santorello/NY
11/23/2010 6:06:34 PM (2993 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Jessica Talley/NJ
11/24/2010 8:48:12 AM (2966 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - K C/NJ
11/24/2010 10:04:26 AM (2921 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Jessica Talley/NJ
11/24/2010 10:42:15 PM (3308 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - maria santorello/NY
11/30/2010 11:03:17 AM (2785 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - KC/NJ
11/30/2010 10:17:15 PM (2719 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Robert Franco/OH
11/24/2010 10:12:24 AM (2888 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Deborah Manion/VA
11/24/2010 11:43:19 AM (2780 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Dave Pelligrinelli/GA
12/1/2010 11:29:25 AM (2583 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Jessica Talley/NJ
12/2/2010 3:51:35 PM (2658 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - JEANETTE LEMONS/WA
11/29/2010 10:15:36 AM (2768 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Jessica Talley/NJ
12/2/2010 3:58:59 PM (2623 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - maria santorello/NY
11/30/2010 10:54:51 AM (2744 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Leigh Attridge/MA
11/30/2010 2:30:30 PM (2771 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Topians/NJ
11/30/2010 10:19:17 PM (2713 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - K C/NJ
12/1/2010 12:16:52 PM (2644 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - K C/NJ
11/30/2010 10:34:22 PM (2600 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Robert Franco/OH
12/1/2010 10:01:38 AM (2696 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - The Former GoGo-ers/NJ
12/1/2010 11:58:58 AM (2915 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - robbin roseberry/OH
12/1/2010 3:44:05 PM (2872 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Ken Ungarsohn/NJ
12/1/2010 4:18:00 PM (2772 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Linda/NJ
12/1/2010 4:41:09 PM (2682 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - K C/NJ
12/1/2010 4:47:18 PM (2632 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Jessica Talley/NJ
12/2/2010 4:26:41 PM (2712 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Leigh Attridge/MA
12/2/2010 4:47:04 PM (2639 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - K C
12/2/2010 6:14:35 PM (2702 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - robbin roseberry/OH
12/2/2010 9:56:24 AM (2694 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Susan Raynard/MA
12/6/2010 4:54:25 PM (2662 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Cliff Boltz/VA
12/8/2010 11:14:59 AM (2500 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Linda/NJ
12/8/2010 2:54:12 PM (2619 views)

Questions on copies - Dan Zook/NY
11/19/2010 4:34:55 PM (3282 views)
Re: Questions on copies - Slade Smith/OH
11/19/2010 5:28:26 PM (3032 views)
That reminds me... - Robert Franco/OH
11/19/2010 5:49:25 PM (5742 views)
speaking of copies.... - Alix Ott/MI
11/22/2010 8:14:34 AM (2927 views)
Re: speaking of copies.... - Robert Franco/OH
11/22/2010 9:17:51 AM (2959 views)
Re: speaking of copies.... - Diane Brewer/SC
11/22/2010 9:52:13 AM (2918 views)
Re: speaking of copies.... - Alix Ott/MI
11/22/2010 10:15:19 AM (2905 views)
Solution - William Pattison /CA
11/22/2010 11:31:51 AM (2958 views)
Re: Solution - Alix Ott/MI
11/22/2010 1:30:54 PM (2747 views)
Re: speaking of copies.... - Amy Jensen/OR
11/30/2010 2:53:12 PM (2629 views)

New FNMA Guidelines - Leigh Attridge/MA
11/19/2010 8:36:53 AM (4127 views)

Fiber optic outage... - Robert Franco/OH
11/18/2010 9:49:10 AM (2812 views)

Non-Judicial Foreclosure Misposts - William Pattison /CA
11/16/2010 1:07:25 AM (3191 views)
Re: Non-Judicial Foreclosure Misposts - Slade Smith/OH
11/16/2010 1:33:26 PM (2886 views)
Re: Non-Judicial Foreclosure Misposts - William Pattison /CA
11/16/2010 3:38:55 PM (2881 views)
Re: Non-Judicial Foreclosure Misposts - Slade Smith/OH
11/16/2010 4:57:03 PM (2996 views)
Re: Non-Judicial Foreclosure Misposts - William Pattison /CA
11/17/2010 10:02:42 AM (2839 views)
Re: Non-Judicial Foreclosure Misposts - Slade Smith/OH
11/17/2010 11:46:35 AM (2942 views)
Re: Non-Judicial Foreclosure Misposts - William Pattison /CA
11/17/2010 2:37:01 PM (2960 views)

NREIS - Richard Primmer/RI
11/15/2010 6:26:25 PM (3370 views)
Re: NREIS - Barbara /FL
11/22/2010 8:39:38 AM (2889 views)

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