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RealDetailed - heard of them? - Pat Strasburg/MI
12/2/2010 12:16:21 PM (3335 views)
Re: RealDetailed - heard of them? - PATRICIA PALMER-ILKO/PA
12/2/2010 6:07:21 PM (3384 views)
Re: RealDetailed - heard of them? - Anita Binns/IL
12/6/2010 8:54:27 AM (3473 views)
Re: RealDetailed - heard of them? - Alix Ott/MI
12/15/2010 6:51:37 PM (3225 views)
Re: RealDetailed - heard of them? - Jacqueline Buck/NJ
3/30/2011 9:19:26 AM (2804 views)
Re: RealDetailed - heard of them? - Terri/PA
4/4/2011 1:41:08 PM (2797 views)

It all comes back to understanding - George Booth/OH
12/2/2010 9:40:31 AM (3001 views)
You can lead a horse to water... - Slade Smith/OH
12/2/2010 1:09:48 PM (3313 views)
Re: You can lead a horse to water... - Leigh Attridge/MA
12/2/2010 3:50:57 PM (3219 views)
Re: It all comes back to understanding - William Pattison /CA
12/3/2010 7:10:46 PM (3209 views)

How strong is the chain? - michael rafferty/VA
12/1/2010 8:39:11 PM (3290 views)
Re: How strong is the chain? - William Pattison /CA
12/3/2010 7:17:16 PM (3117 views)

Coefficiency, LLC - Ron McPherson/IA
11/30/2010 3:51:25 PM (3771 views)
Re: Coefficiency, LLC - KRISTI HERRING/ID
12/2/2010 10:29:46 AM (3258 views)
Re: Coefficiency, LLC - Ron McPherson/IA
12/3/2010 2:39:12 AM (3195 views)

11/30/2010 1:48:44 PM (4841 views)
11/30/2010 7:07:17 PM (3354 views)
11/30/2010 8:10:30 PM (3369 views)
12/1/2010 1:54:08 PM (3410 views)

11/30/2010 9:39:18 AM (4282 views)

Spanish Woman Claims She Now Owns Sun - Edouard LeLocle/SC
11/27/2010 8:15:17 PM (3308 views)
Re: Spanish Woman Claims She Now Owns Sun - Patrick Scott/IL
11/29/2010 2:38:34 AM (3194 views)
Re: Spanish Woman Claims She Now Owns Sun - Jeffrey Land/NJ
11/29/2010 10:46:54 AM (3386 views)
Re: Spanish Woman Claims She Now Owns Sun - Michael Vernon/AZ
11/29/2010 1:34:29 PM (3195 views)
This just in.... - J. H./OH
11/29/2010 10:19:51 PM (3044 views)
Re: This just in.... - Jessica Talley/NJ
12/2/2010 3:44:52 PM (2961 views)
Re: Spanish Woman Claims She Now Owns Sun - Slade Smith/OH
11/30/2010 3:17:53 AM (3118 views)
Re: Spanish Woman Claims She Now Owns Sun - William Pattison /CA
11/30/2010 4:16:08 PM (2992 views)
Re: Spanish Woman Claims She Now Owns Sun - Deborah Manion/VA
12/1/2010 5:16:38 PM (3063 views)

So much to say, so little time - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
11/24/2010 12:22:55 PM (3046 views)
Happy Thanksgiving! - William Pattison /CA
11/24/2010 12:40:34 PM (2922 views)
Re: So much to say, so little time - Slade Smith/OH
11/24/2010 12:58:28 PM (2858 views)
Re: So much to say, so little time - Matt Papsch/MD
11/24/2010 3:10:29 PM (2888 views)
Re: So much to say, so little time - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
11/24/2010 8:14:13 PM (2838 views)
Re: So much to say, so little time - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
11/24/2010 8:14:53 PM (2835 views)

Lumar Document Retrieval - Deborah Manion/VA
11/23/2010 2:21:52 PM (3677 views)
Re: Lumar Document Retrieval - Abstractor/IL
12/9/2010 5:12:37 PM (3106 views)

How far to go in explaining an order - Alix Ott/MI
11/22/2010 3:07:28 PM (3313 views)
Re: How far to go in explaining an order - Robert Franco/OH
11/22/2010 3:35:07 PM (3234 views)
Re: How far to go in explaining an order - K C/NJ
11/22/2010 6:04:22 PM (3242 views)
Re: How far to go in explaining an order - Richard Olson/MD
11/24/2010 9:10:34 AM (3068 views)
Re: How far to go in explaining an order - Robert Franco/OH
11/24/2010 9:58:01 AM (3185 views)
Re: How far to go in explaining an order - Richard Olson/MD
11/24/2010 10:29:41 AM (3119 views)
Re: How far to go in explaining an order - Robert Franco/OH
11/24/2010 10:39:56 AM (3599 views)
Agree with Essentials - William Pattison 
11/24/2010 12:37:01 PM (3073 views)
Re: How far to go in explaining an order - Jessica Talley/NJ
11/24/2010 9:51:07 PM (3043 views)
Re: How far to go in explaining an order - William Pattison /CA
11/24/2010 11:42:02 AM (3054 views)
Thank you, everyone! - Alix Ott/MI
11/29/2010 7:06:00 AM (3065 views)

Abstractors A Go Go - Deborah Manion/VA
11/22/2010 2:29:54 PM (4399 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Linda/NJ
11/22/2010 3:02:36 PM (3206 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Linda/NJ
11/22/2010 3:07:02 PM (3105 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Linda/NJ
11/22/2010 3:23:45 PM (3077 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Jason Knowles/AL
11/24/2010 2:28:08 PM (2972 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - maria santorello/NY
11/23/2010 6:03:18 PM (3006 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Abstractopia/NJ
11/24/2010 9:48:18 AM (2952 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - LINDA/NJ
11/23/2010 4:45:52 PM (3039 views)
Abstractors A Go Gone - Elizabeth Helman/PA
11/23/2010 7:40:16 PM (3111 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - maria santorello/NY
11/23/2010 6:06:34 PM (2997 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Jessica Talley/NJ
11/24/2010 8:48:12 AM (2969 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - K C/NJ
11/24/2010 10:04:26 AM (2925 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Jessica Talley/NJ
11/24/2010 10:42:15 PM (3316 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - maria santorello/NY
11/30/2010 11:03:17 AM (2790 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - KC/NJ
11/30/2010 10:17:15 PM (2722 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Robert Franco/OH
11/24/2010 10:12:24 AM (2891 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Deborah Manion/VA
11/24/2010 11:43:19 AM (2788 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Dave Pelligrinelli/GA
12/1/2010 11:29:25 AM (2587 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Jessica Talley/NJ
12/2/2010 3:51:35 PM (2664 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - JEANETTE LEMONS/WA
11/29/2010 10:15:36 AM (2775 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Jessica Talley/NJ
12/2/2010 3:58:59 PM (2629 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - maria santorello/NY
11/30/2010 10:54:51 AM (2748 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Leigh Attridge/MA
11/30/2010 2:30:30 PM (2775 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Topians/NJ
11/30/2010 10:19:17 PM (2716 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - K C/NJ
12/1/2010 12:16:52 PM (2648 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - K C/NJ
11/30/2010 10:34:22 PM (2608 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Robert Franco/OH
12/1/2010 10:01:38 AM (2702 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - The Former GoGo-ers/NJ
12/1/2010 11:58:58 AM (2919 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - robbin roseberry/OH
12/1/2010 3:44:05 PM (2875 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Ken Ungarsohn/NJ
12/1/2010 4:18:00 PM (2777 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Linda/NJ
12/1/2010 4:41:09 PM (2685 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - K C/NJ
12/1/2010 4:47:18 PM (2636 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Jessica Talley/NJ
12/2/2010 4:26:41 PM (2718 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Leigh Attridge/MA
12/2/2010 4:47:04 PM (2644 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - K C
12/2/2010 6:14:35 PM (2705 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - robbin roseberry/OH
12/2/2010 9:56:24 AM (2698 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Susan Raynard/MA
12/6/2010 4:54:25 PM (2668 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Cliff Boltz/VA
12/8/2010 11:14:59 AM (2505 views)
Re: Abstractors A Go Go - Linda/NJ
12/8/2010 2:54:12 PM (2622 views)

Questions on copies - Dan Zook/NY
11/19/2010 4:34:55 PM (3284 views)
Re: Questions on copies - Slade Smith/OH
11/19/2010 5:28:26 PM (3037 views)
That reminds me... - Robert Franco/OH
11/19/2010 5:49:25 PM (5748 views)
speaking of copies.... - Alix Ott/MI
11/22/2010 8:14:34 AM (2934 views)
Re: speaking of copies.... - Robert Franco/OH
11/22/2010 9:17:51 AM (2965 views)
Re: speaking of copies.... - Diane Brewer/SC
11/22/2010 9:52:13 AM (2923 views)
Re: speaking of copies.... - Alix Ott/MI
11/22/2010 10:15:19 AM (2910 views)
Solution - William Pattison /CA
11/22/2010 11:31:51 AM (2962 views)
Re: Solution - Alix Ott/MI
11/22/2010 1:30:54 PM (2752 views)
Re: speaking of copies.... - Amy Jensen/OR
11/30/2010 2:53:12 PM (2633 views)

New FNMA Guidelines - Leigh Attridge/MA
11/19/2010 8:36:53 AM (4129 views)

Fiber optic outage... - Robert Franco/OH
11/18/2010 9:49:10 AM (2813 views)

Non-Judicial Foreclosure Misposts - William Pattison /CA
11/16/2010 1:07:25 AM (3197 views)
Re: Non-Judicial Foreclosure Misposts - Slade Smith/OH
11/16/2010 1:33:26 PM (2892 views)
Re: Non-Judicial Foreclosure Misposts - William Pattison /CA
11/16/2010 3:38:55 PM (2886 views)
Re: Non-Judicial Foreclosure Misposts - Slade Smith/OH
11/16/2010 4:57:03 PM (3002 views)
Re: Non-Judicial Foreclosure Misposts - William Pattison /CA
11/17/2010 10:02:42 AM (2843 views)
Re: Non-Judicial Foreclosure Misposts - Slade Smith/OH
11/17/2010 11:46:35 AM (2947 views)
Re: Non-Judicial Foreclosure Misposts - William Pattison /CA
11/17/2010 2:37:01 PM (2970 views)

Your comparison is a bit of apples to oranges, but going with that analogy, research firms have miscellaneous professional liability insurance and claims are indeed made against them when missed records occur.  Sometimes it is not the lack of due diligence on the part of the abstractor, but a failure in the public records themselves.  Sometimes there is a reasonable expectation that a record should have been  located and it falls to their insurance to make matters right.

This then begs the question as to whether the foreclosure companies are insured to the same levels and being held to account on the same basis.  I'll admit that I'm unaware of such claims.  Furthermore, the scale of loss between an abstractor missing a mechanics lien versus a foreclosure mill kicking a family out of their home, is massively different in every dimension. 

I know that it is not unheard of that a title search claim can be very high, or that such failures can materially contribute to property loss, but this seems far less  frequent or likely than a foreclosure mill specializing in taking property.

I would also  note the important (qualitative) difference between researching public records as an abstractor in order to produce a report and recording matters of public notice on those records.  Clearly the onus is on the party submitting papers for recording to state things accurately and correctly and not to do so in a manner that creates a liability or encumbrance on wrong parties, wrong properties, or in erroneous ways.

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