The nightmare still continues, as we expected after the conviction a wrongful death suit has been filed against my husband. What is surprising even though I was no where near nor knew what was going I being sued also. The incident happened on 7/7/09. On 7/09/09 I returned to our home only to find that the Beardslee's were waiting for me with guns at the entrance to our property law enforcement was called, the deputy did not do anything about the dangerous situation he told me I needed to make concessions with the Beardslee's, which not unlike all the times before the blame was laid upon us. I hid out for a week until a friend was able to come and stay with me. On 7/14/09 My husband signed a Quit to Claim , whereas I would be able to sell the property, and not have to deal with this Sheriff Dept. in getting his signature on required documents. My life was in danger and still is. Mr. Cooksey's att. asked me not to sell, because they were going to want the jurors to come to the scene. At which time they had homeland security, 2 snipers on each of the hillsides, 16 patrol cars, road blocked off, and a drone flying over. Now,the lawyer they have retained is saying by signing and selling our property it could be fraudelent. I have no idea that by selling our property which we owned how I can or would be charged with fraud. My whereabouts is I still hope are secretive. These dangerous people are to be feared for the retaliation they would do to me to get to my husband. Having to live in fear each and every day of my life does take an enormous amount of strength, which I am running out of.
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