Thank you for your honesty. Yes, I also have to respect the jurors decision. But, in the same respect we do not have to settle that it is final. Because of the errors of the law enforcment, and court we will be appealing. Now you might have already expected this. With no miranda rights being given, entering our home without permission, did not report to DCI that Mr. Cooksey said his life was being threatened, DCI only investigated for homicide not self defense, the narcotics Beardslee had in his system, etec. But, at Mr. Cooksey's age we also understand that unless the Mt. Supreme Court will take this up soon, he could very well die in prison and not have had a fair and unbaised trial in another cty. One more thing to add, this case should never have been in this county, most of the elected officials and those who they hire are all related going from the Judge to even the actual jurors. For a judge to hear testimony from a cousin who is on the law enforcement, is of great concern.
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