Stealing a motion sensor was not an allegation, it is a true fact. The Sheriff of Musselsell Cty told Beardslee's they could take the sensor off of Cooksey's property. When this Sheriff was contacted over the theft, the Sheriff called Beardslee's and told them to put it back which instead of criminal became a civil matter. Cooksey did not say Beardslee became menacing. Cooksey did say Beardslee said,"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU" while yelling and screaming obscenities. It was not a driveway, it was a one lane easement, and Beardslee was 16ft. off of the 20ft easement, TRESPASSING.Beardslee had nothing to fear, Cooksey would not have had to of shot him, if he would not have told Cooksey he was "GOING TO KILL HIM". Beardslee was not unarmed, weilding a weedeater, a tool kit with a knife are weapons, just as a cigarette lighter is. A "TAINTED" jury pool, unsupervised, given no directives from this judge, one actual juror's knew Beardslee thru mother in law, while waiting in basement of church potential jurors were subjected to derogatory statements being made about Cooksey. Cooksey was denied exculpatory discovery such as medical and criminal background on Beardslee to be brought before the jurors, and also witnesses were also denied to testify. Just how Fair was this court. Until you know the true and accurate facts of this case, it should not be commented on. Beardslee was not walking away from Cooksey at the time of the shooting. The DCI Agents could not testify as to what Beardslee was doing at that time. At the sentencing the defense stated that Beardslee had been convicted of criminal endangerment while pulling a gun on 2 individuals. So, yes Mr. Cooksey did have good reason to be afraid and to believe this man when he said He was going to kill Mr. Cooksey.
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