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More Info would be nice - Nils Nelson/ME
1/8/2011 2:17:17 PM (2926 views)
Re: More Info would be nice - Joyce Obrien/PA
1/8/2011 2:30:07 PM (2991 views)
Re: More Info would be nice - Nils Nelson/ME
1/8/2011 4:01:08 PM (2947 views)
Re: More Info would be nice - Scott Aduddell/MO
1/12/2011 11:31:48 AM (2889 views)

Equity Land Transfer, LLC - NON-PAYMENT! - Joyce Obrien/PA
1/8/2011 10:17:07 AM (3728 views)
Re: Equity Land Transfer, LLC - NON-PAYMENT! - Michael  Anderson/NY
1/9/2011 9:00:47 PM (3024 views)
Re: Equity Land Transfer, LLC - NON-PAYMENT! - Joyce Obrien/PA
1/13/2011 10:47:40 PM (2954 views)
Re: Equity Land Transfer, LLC - NON-PAYMENT! - Nils Nelson/ME
1/14/2011 8:30:45 AM (3011 views)
Re: Equity Land Transfer, LLC - NON-PAYMENT! - Joyce Obrien/PA
1/15/2011 3:17:09 AM (2999 views)

Dynamic Field Solutions BEWARE - Parise A/IN
1/8/2011 9:52:07 AM (2553 views)

PDF Mass SJC Foreclosure Ruling - Leigh Attridge/MA
1/7/2011 4:09:30 PM (4153 views)

American Freedom Assurance Inc. - Thomas McShane/KY
1/7/2011 2:51:50 PM (2810 views)

Time Limits on claims, liens - Edward Brode/CA
1/7/2011 12:37:59 PM (2934 views)
Re: Time Limits on claims, liens - William Pattison /CA
1/7/2011 2:32:46 PM (3145 views)
Re: Time Limits on claims, liens - Robert Franco/OH
1/7/2011 2:49:44 PM (3203 views)
Re: Time Limits on claims, liens - PAULA DEEM  REYNOLDS/FL
1/7/2011 9:59:46 PM (3216 views)
Re: Time Limits on claims, liens - Robert Franco/OH
1/8/2011 1:01:31 PM (6006 views)

There are a few other exceptions, besides interests held by the State.  See F.S.A. 712.03.

712.03  Exceptions to marketability.

Such marketable record title shall not affect or extinguish the following rights:

(1) Estates or interests, easements and use restrictions disclosed by and defects inherent in the muniments of title on which said estate is based beginning with the root of title; provided, however, that a general reference in any of such muniments to easements, use restrictions or other interests created prior to the root of title shall not be sufficient to preserve them unless specific identification by reference to book and page of record or by name of recorded plat be made therein to a recorded title transaction which imposed, transferred or continued such easement, use restrictions or other interests; subject, however, to the provisions of subsection (5).
(2) Estates, interests, claims, or charges, or any covenant or restriction, preserved by the filing of a proper notice in accordance with the provisions hereof.
(3) Rights of any person in possession of the lands, so long as such person is in such possession.
(4) Estates, interests, claims, or charges arising out of a title transaction which has been recorded subsequent to the effective date of the root of title.
(5) Recorded or unrecorded easements or rights, interest or servitude in the nature of easements, rights-of-way and terminal facilities, including those of a public utility or of a governmental agency, so long as the same are used and the use of any part thereof shall except from the operation hereof the right to the entire use thereof. No notice need be filed in order to preserve the lien of any mortgage or deed of trust or any supplement thereto encumbering any such recorded or unrecorded easements, or rights, interest, or servitude in the nature of easements, rights-of-way, and terminal facilities. However, nothing herein shall be construed as preserving to the mortgagee or grantee of any such mortgage or deed of trust or any supplement thereto any greater rights than the rights of the mortgagor or grantor.
(6) Rights of any person in whose name the land is assessed on the county tax rolls for such period of time as the land is so assessed and which rights are preserved for a period of 3 years after the land is last assessed in such person’s name.
(7) State title to lands beneath navigable waters acquired by virtue of sovereignty.
(8) A restriction or covenant recorded pursuant to chapter 376 or chapter 403.
(9) Any right, title, or interest held by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, any water management district created under chapter 373, or the United States.

Robert A. Franco

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Re: Time Limits on claims, liens - PAULA DEEM  REYNOLDS/FL
1/9/2011 11:17:25 PM (3163 views)
Re: Time Limits on claims, liens - Bill Garrett/MS
1/10/2011 1:19:23 PM (3050 views)

Global Data Source/TitlePrep - Carl Litchfield/SC
1/6/2011 3:42:22 PM (3719 views)
Re: Global Data Source/TitlePrep - Leigh Attridge/MA
1/6/2011 4:20:51 PM (3392 views)
Re: Global Data Source/TitlePrep - Carl Litchfield/SC
1/6/2011 5:37:12 PM (3184 views)
Re: Global Data Source/TitlePrep - Christine Sheeler/PA
1/12/2011 2:08:35 PM (3020 views)

A Little Known Strategy for Cutting Mortgage Payments - Leigh Attridge/MA
1/6/2011 10:49:56 AM (4264 views)

NALTEA Meet & Greet Jan 17th - Frank NAVARRO/IL
1/5/2011 7:30:21 PM (2996 views)
Re: NALTEA Meet & Greet Jan 17th - Wanda Steudel/OH
1/6/2011 4:46:27 PM (2883 views)

Direct Settlement Services - trish kerns/PA
1/5/2011 11:29:24 AM (8318 views)
Re: Direct Settlement Services - Scott Perry/PA
1/5/2011 2:15:06 PM (3762 views)
Re: Direct Settlement Services - Andrew Veliuona/MD
1/7/2011 7:31:27 AM (3584 views)
Re: Direct Settlement Services - Sheila Sten/PA
1/8/2011 10:09:47 PM (3645 views)

Cfacts - Elizabeth Helman/PA
1/4/2011 8:02:21 PM (3162 views)
Re: Cfacts - Helen Murphy/MD
1/10/2011 11:09:07 PM (3178 views)
Re: Cfacts - Elizabeth Helman/PA
1/12/2011 7:12:20 PM (2970 views)

ALTA Smal Agents and Abstracters meetings - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
1/4/2011 6:54:48 PM (4469 views)
Re: ALTA Smal Agents and Abstracters meetings - Shona Dunning/WY
1/7/2011 11:29:00 AM (2957 views)
Re: ALTA Smal Agents and Abstracters meetings - Anita Backlund/MN
1/11/2011 7:43:56 PM (2898 views)

Another interesting article on the MERS debacle - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
1/3/2011 8:19:36 PM (4709 views)
Re: Another interesting article on the MERS debacle - PAULA DEEM  REYNOLDS/FL
1/3/2011 9:03:13 PM (3226 views)
Re: Another interesting article on the MERS debacle - Robert Franco/OH
1/4/2011 11:00:33 AM (3651 views)

85 year old man arrested for practicing law without a license - Leigh Attridge/MA
12/31/2010 4:46:03 PM (4904 views)
Re: 85 year old man arrested for practicing law without a license - William Pattison /CA
1/3/2011 1:02:17 PM (3111 views)

Goodbye to 2010 - Leigh Attridge/MA
12/30/2010 4:24:39 PM (2945 views)
Re: Goodbye to 2010 - Jessica Talley/NJ
12/30/2010 4:42:53 PM (3035 views)
Re: Goodbye to 2010 - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
12/30/2010 6:57:41 PM (3463 views)
Re: Goodbye to 2010 - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
12/30/2010 6:57:19 PM (3022 views)
Re: Goodbye to 2010 - Robert Franco/OH
12/31/2010 10:37:44 AM (3328 views)
Hello 2011! - Slade Smith/OH
12/31/2010 11:59:44 AM (3545 views)
Happy 2011! - William Pattison /CA
1/3/2011 1:04:42 PM (3183 views)

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