To be equally sarcastic in retort: all those people who can subcribe to and have a property run for $165 plus a few measly doc fees AND get whole mapping histories online at home from County GIS will all stop paying me for research any second now.
I also heard that you can MOW YOUR OWN LAWN!!!!! No more need for gardeners.
Heck, legal codes are online, so the old idea to shoot the lawyers is now feasible, as they're no longer needed.
That elderly couple with bad vision, or the young business woman too busy to do her own home research, or the young gent busy with his newborn don't need us. We can be next in line after the lawyers.
Yes. Like frickin' India hasn't already outsourced your work? Really, Thomas? Is that the best rhetoric you can muster?
Robert's always been about protecting his own hide, so I'm not surprised that he'd rally the wagons, but I want a records database worthy of a big money sale to a large data firm in a few years. Yep, no more abstracting on a beach in Fiji, just sand and surf. Enjoy the rat race when my team is gone. lol
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