1. XYZ will use information provided by Vendor to prepare and record Assignments and Releases. If for any reason the county rejects the documents sent in and cashes the recording fee check, Vendor will be billed for the re-record fees and will complete the request again, within 24 hours, to correct the error, at no charge to XYZ. All charges billed back to Vendor must be paid within 60 days. If the county has not cashed the recording fee check, then Vendor will only need to complete the request again, to correct the error, at no charge to XYZ.
This is an example of a specific indemnity / hold harmless agreement. The important words in this agreement are " If for any reason." These 4 words make you responsible for rejection of the document for typing errors, lack of notary or improper notary, missing signatures... There have been instances where a document is recorded and the error is found later by a title examiner, under this agreement you would be responsible for the price of rerecording this document. The important thing to remember when reading a contract is that it is word specific. The intent of the writer cannot be assumed by the reader.
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