I know that you know the ins and outs of the situation way better than I can ever know them, and I'm not going to debate partciular fact. I'm getting the story from local news reports-- if they've gotten it wrong, then I get it wrong too-- we're not exactly the New York Times here in terms of resources for double-checking facts and so forth. Admitttedly, I didn't witness the trial firsthand, much less the actual killing.
I have no doubt that the jury didn't hear all the evidence-- they never do. I don't doubt that Beardslee might have contributed to his own death in some way. It usually takes two to tango, as they say. But in the end, the jury heard what they heard, your husband had a chance to take the stand and defend himself, and after that, the jury decided that the killing was not a legitimate act of self defense. I have to respect that decision.
I'm very sorry for the loss of your husband's comfort and company, Mrs. Cooksey. Thanks for sharing your side of the story.
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