I was working at a title company as a policy typist, and I would get phone calls from a hired outsourced company. They would call, and you can tell they are calling from another country, looking for their title policy. The man said his name was Bob; clearly not his name, and he needed the final title policy. Well, I didnt answer the normal, yes I have it, or no, but I will send it, and he didnt understand what i was telling him. (I think we were waiting on some paperwork, or we needed something) So he paused for a minute, and repeated: "hello, my name is BOB, and I am looking fo the final title policy. I again explained that we are waiting on such and such, and he said :"mam, I do not understand, I am needing the final title policy". I had to hang up on him. He was only trained to understand and speak particular english words, in my opinion, he didnt even know what a final title policy even was.
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