I am pretty certain if you were overseas defending your country and you lost your home because some idiot bank failed to follow the rules, when it was their responsibility to VERIFY and get the CORRECT information you might be a little upset over the situation.
I did read the article and understood it, however what they did was criminal no matter how you look at it.
I think its digusting that our troops are not being paid enough to support their families or pay their mortgages, and that is really my beef.
I didn't notice any of the CEO's of banks and other companies who WE bailed out being taken to court for their criminality, 10-20 million dollar yearly bonuses????? Or a government who condoned this and bailed them out with our tax dollars.
Its ok to be a crook, thief or whatever you want to call it but we cannot take care of our own?
There is something really really wrong with that picture.
And the CEO's keep getting richer and have NO accountability because no one demands that they do. And that is what is wrong with this country, no accountability, no responsibility.
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