Real Estate has been generally slow for the past year. I got out of abstracting 3 or 4 years ago, and moved into closings an arbitration/litigation. The closings have been drastically down for the past year, but the arbitrations/litigation has gone through the roof.
Hang in there. The business will return once the market can figure out what is going on with all the foreclosures and price instabilityand interest rates in the housing market.
In the interim look for some supplemental areas of income. One easy one is to get a paralegal's certification (not a degree). You can free lance paralegal skills to small law firms that do not need a full time paralegal. Something else you could look into would be to get training as a court reporter. You can also free lance this skill to law firms for depositions. I just did a deposition not too long ago. The court reporter was paid a per page transcription fee. For one full day's deposition she charged $800.00.
Something else you could look into would be to get a notary's commission (license) and start doing witness closings. In Connecticut a $100 fee gets you a 5 year commission as a notary.
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