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[-] Cheaper and cheaper - Amy Jensen/OR (16 replies)
2/25/2011 6:22:45 PM (3457 views)
Re: Cheaper and cheaper - Paula Reynolds/FL
2/25/2011 7:53:34 PM (3334 views)
Re: Cheaper and cheaper - Alix Ott/MI
2/28/2011 7:50:21 AM (3183 views)
Re: Cheaper and cheaper - WAYNE QUICK/NC
2/28/2011 8:48:55 AM (3122 views)
Re: Cheaper and cheaper - Nils Nelson/ME
2/28/2011 9:05:26 AM (3064 views)
Re: Cheaper and cheaper - Paula Reynolds/FL
3/1/2011 8:31:47 PM (3155 views)
Re: Cheaper and cheaper - Amy /OR
3/3/2011 3:31:14 PM (2997 views)
Every state is different - Amy Jensen/OR
3/3/2011 3:36:34 PM (3023 views)
Re: Every state is different - Paula Reynolds/FL
3/14/2011 1:18:41 PM (2824 views)
Re: Cheaper and cheaper - WAYNE QUICK/NC
3/7/2011 8:26:06 AM (2954 views)
Re: Cheaper and cheaper - Teri Carro/FL
3/7/2011 9:21:26 AM (2886 views)
Re: Cheaper and cheaper - Paula Reynolds/FL
3/14/2011 1:24:50 PM (2820 views)
Re: Cheaper and cheaper - Leigh Attridge/MA
2/28/2011 9:44:31 AM (3030 views)
Re: Cheaper and cheaper - Bill Garrett/MS
2/28/2011 11:28:17 AM (3072 views)
Re: Cheaper and cheaper - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
2/28/2011 12:10:11 PM (2963 views)
Thanks - Amy Jensen/OR
2/28/2011 7:10:17 PM (2979 views)
Re: Cheaper and cheaper - H/GA
3/15/2011 1:50:54 AM (2888 views)

Recently lost a client of many years due to now "my fees are too high".  Apparently, $15 - $26 for a current owner is what others are charging. I assume it is online searchers, foreign or otherwise.  I replied by thanking them for the business they had sent me over the years and good luck. 

I had also been recruited to do online searches in another state where it was explained that everything I needed was online. I even went through the training - learned alot, how different things were in another state!  However bottom line was the fee for a "search" was extremely low, considering I had to use my own E & O.  Though the thought of being able to stay home & do online searches in my pj's was very appealing, the liablilty was not.  Might be a missed opportunity on my part but I decided I'll leave it to the pros there.

I can't rely on online records here and don't.  I have refused to cut my fees and yes, have lost clients.  But I'm still around and will still be as long as there are those who will pay a fair fee for a quality title report.

Wish everyone the best!



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[+] ACME Abstract - Florida - again - Jason Knowles/AL (4 replies)
2/25/2011 3:49:41 PM (3730 views)

[+] Alternative (One) Abstract - Edouard LeLocle/SC (2 replies)
2/24/2011 5:16:25 PM (3596 views)

[+] Comment on "Another MERS-friendly Ruling, This Time in California " - Source of Title/OH (5 replies)
2/24/2011 11:04:42 AM (3278 views)

[+] RASA SOLUTION - Deborah Manion/VA (2 replies)
2/22/2011 12:34:36 PM (3495 views)

Essex Street, 1906, Salem, MA - Leigh Attridge/MA
2/19/2011 11:36:59 PM (4074 views)

[+] Comment on "Mis-indexing, Misfortune, and MERS" - Source of Title/OH (8 replies)
2/19/2011 10:32:41 PM (3540 views)

[+] Updates - Janet Angi/MI (17 replies)
2/19/2011 1:48:44 PM (3396 views)

Microlender Forecloses On Goat - Edouard LeLocle/SC
2/18/2011 9:09:28 PM (3373 views)

[+] Riley Plaza, ca 1900 Salem MA - Leigh Attridge/MA (1 reply)
2/18/2011 6:28:49 PM (4774 views)

[+] US Title WARNING!!! - Angela Johnson/NC (13 replies)
2/17/2011 2:07:17 PM (4162 views)

[+] MD TIITLE EXAMINERS' MANUAL - Deborah Manion/VA (5 replies)
2/17/2011 1:41:45 PM (4089 views)

[+] E&O Renewal - Michaela Urban/OH (3 replies)
2/16/2011 9:47:20 AM (3440 views)

[+] Summer Home As A Permanent Residence? - Scott Perry/PA (4 replies)
2/14/2011 8:56:31 PM (4834 views)

[+] Just a Wish... - Deborah Manion/VA (10 replies)
2/14/2011 12:42:30 PM (3282 views)

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