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Direct Title Solutions - Deceiving Vendors - Bruce Murch/VA
3/8/2011 7:05:26 PM (8757 views)
Re: Direct Title Solutions - Deceiving Vendors - Sheila Sten/PA
3/8/2011 8:12:17 PM (3965 views)
Re: Direct Title Solutions - Deceiving Vendors - Leigh Attridge/MA
3/8/2011 9:33:11 PM (4098 views)
Re: Direct Title Solutions - Deceiving Vendors - Bruce Murch/VA
3/10/2011 6:53:52 AM (3587 views)
Re: Direct Title Solutions - Deceiving Vendors - Leigh Attridge/MA
3/10/2011 7:51:51 AM (3665 views)
Re: Direct Title Solutions - Deceiving Vendors - Beverly Murch/VA
3/13/2011 11:50:42 PM (3583 views)
Re: Direct Title Solutions - Deceiving Vendors - J Nisonger/CA
3/14/2011 9:40:59 AM (3394 views)
Re: Direct Title Solutions - Deceiving Vendors - john rutledge/VA
3/14/2011 10:28:06 AM (3505 views)
Re: Direct Title Solutions - Deceiving Vendors - Bruce Murch/VA
3/15/2011 9:30:21 AM (3502 views)
Re: Direct Title Solutions - Deceiving Vendors - F P/VA
3/15/2011 10:08:44 AM (3476 views)
Re: Direct Title Solutions - Deceiving Vendors - C/VA
3/23/2011 4:53:12 PM (3444 views)
Re: Direct Title Solutions - Deceiving Vendors - Beverly Murch/VA
3/30/2011 10:53:55 AM (3298 views)
Re: Direct Title Solutions - Deceiving Vendors - Bruce Murch/VA
3/30/2011 11:23:19 AM (3264 views)

Stern's firm is DONE! - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
3/7/2011 8:37:37 PM (5185 views)
Re: Stern's firm is DONE! - Leigh Attridge/MA
3/8/2011 8:36:54 AM (3207 views)
Re: Stern's firm is DONE! - George Booth/OH
3/8/2011 10:35:13 AM (3225 views)
Re: Stern's firm is DONE! - Leigh Attridge/MA
3/8/2011 11:59:34 AM (3210 views)
Re: Stern's firm is DONE! - Robert Franco/OH
3/8/2011 12:10:09 PM (3252 views)
Re: Stern's firm is DONE! - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
3/8/2011 2:54:03 PM (3316 views)
Re: Stern's firm is DONE! - Jessica Talley/FL
3/8/2011 4:28:58 PM (3351 views)
Re: Stern's firm is DONE! - George Booth/OH
3/9/2011 7:49:11 AM (3135 views)
Re: Stern's firm is DONE! - Leigh Attridge/MA
3/9/2011 9:47:29 AM (3274 views)
Re: Stern's firm is DONE! - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/9/2011 10:54:38 AM (3302 views)
Re: Stern's firm is DONE! - Jessica Talley/FL
3/9/2011 11:41:43 AM (3334 views)
Re: Stern's firm is DONE! - George Booth/OH
3/10/2011 10:45:43 AM (3051 views)
Re: Stern's firm is DONE! - George Booth/OH
3/10/2011 10:41:28 AM (3076 views)
Re: Stern's firm is DONE! - Robert Franco/OH
3/10/2011 11:52:29 AM (3033 views)
Re: Stern's firm is DONE! - Leigh Attridge/MA
3/10/2011 8:40:01 PM (3197 views)
Re: Stern's firm is DONE! - George Booth/OH
3/11/2011 11:29:28 AM (3040 views)
Re: Stern's firm is DONE! - Robert Franco/OH
3/11/2011 12:52:11 PM (3112 views)
Re: Stern's firm is DONE! - George Booth/OH
3/12/2011 9:33:30 AM (3010 views)
Re: Stern's firm is DONE! - Robert Franco/OH
3/9/2011 1:08:19 PM (3195 views)
Re: Stern's firm is DONE! - George Booth/OH
3/10/2011 10:42:28 AM (3116 views)
Re: Stern's firm is DONE! - Jennifer ONeal/FL
3/11/2011 12:57:46 PM (3207 views)
Re: Stern's firm is DONE! - Barbara /FL
3/14/2011 11:57:02 AM (3056 views)

Genesis Servicing Corporation - Kristi Lee/NE
3/7/2011 1:26:28 PM (4189 views)
Re: Genesis Servicing Corporation - Nils Nelson/ME
3/7/2011 2:54:02 PM (3295 views)
Re: Genesis Servicing Corporation - Kristi Lee/NE
3/7/2011 4:55:18 PM (3401 views)
Re: Genesis Servicing Corporation - Nils Nelson/ME
3/7/2011 5:54:21 PM (3277 views)
Re: Genesis Servicing Corporation - Kristi Lee/NE
3/7/2011 6:15:23 PM (3298 views)
Re: Genesis Servicing Corporation - Abstractor/MI
3/24/2011 10:54:56 AM (3074 views)

Cleveland Title Association March Meeting - Robert Franco/OH
3/7/2011 10:16:42 AM (2829 views)

Promised Relief Many Deeper in Debt - Leigh Attridge/MA
3/7/2011 8:09:35 AM (3833 views)

Comment on "Scott County, Missouri Begins E-Recording, Several Indiana Counties to Offer Service Soon" - Source of Title/OH
3/7/2011 7:59:24 AM (2884 views)
More Jobs Lost? - Miriam Shoaff-Rolles/IN
3/7/2011 7:59:24 AM (5624 views)
Re: More Jobs Lost? - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/7/2011 11:21:38 AM (5631 views)
Not Viable in CA; very costly - William Pattison /CA
3/7/2011 7:10:12 PM (5684 views)

End of the 30 year mortgage? - Leigh Attridge/MA
3/6/2011 1:45:46 PM (4091 views)

Taos Land Grant Issues - Joyce/CO
3/4/2011 12:32:31 PM (8386 views)
Re: Taos Land Grant Issues Part 2 - Joyce/CO
3/4/2011 12:37:56 PM (3855 views)
Re: Taos Land Grant Issues Part 3 - Joyce/CO
3/24/2011 3:01:01 PM (5763 views)

3/3/2011 12:32:40 PM (4444 views)

Comment on "Another County Recorder Seeks Back Fees from MERS" - Source of Title/OH
3/3/2011 11:06:23 AM (3112 views)
These suits are interesting, but... - Robert Franco/OH
3/3/2011 11:06:23 AM (5934 views)
Re: These suits are interesting, but... - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
3/3/2011 12:33:45 PM (5894 views)
Re: These suits are interesting, but... - Robert Franco/OH
3/3/2011 1:50:01 PM (5929 views)
I'm sure you are right... - Slade Smith/OH
3/3/2011 2:34:18 PM (5893 views)

They certainly do not sound like strong cases, and these two county recorders may even recognize that.  But even if they can't win cases like this on the merits, it's just one more battle that MERS has to fight, and I think they believe that if enough people keep pecking away at MERS, it will fall.  Then, they will get future fees for recordings on future transactions that they feel they have been missing out on.

And who knows-- the case might find its way into a court where the judge wants to make his or her own anti-bank statement.

Plus, these county recorders who have taken on MERS get their name in the press.  If you're a county recorder, how many opportunities do you have to do something popular like taking on the big bad banks? 


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Re: I'm sure you are right... - J. H./OH
3/9/2011 9:35:22 PM (5766 views)
Re: Comment on "Another County Recorder Seeks Back Fees from MERS" - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
3/3/2011 11:58:45 AM (5941 views)
Comment - Robert Hinson/SC
3/7/2011 9:30:40 AM (5684 views)
Re: Comment on "Another County Recorder Seeks Back Fees from MERS" - Clanci Nelson/OH
3/7/2011 12:30:55 PM (5690 views)
Recorder Seeks Back Fees - Matthew Sharpe/OH
3/7/2011 3:09:35 PM (5658 views)
Voluntary Recording System - William Pattison /CA
3/14/2011 12:29:29 PM (5585 views)

Just read this a moment ago. Virginia Bill allows signing of Electronic Notaries - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
3/1/2011 4:09:13 PM (5799 views)
Personal appearance = webcam view - Bobbi Shorthouse, Notary Public/CT
3/2/2011 8:48:29 AM (3664 views)
Re: Personal appearance = webcam view - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
3/2/2011 11:28:47 AM (3127 views)
Re: Just read this a moment ago. Virginia Bill allows signing of Electronic Notaries - Chrissey Ladd/NJ
3/7/2011 9:34:56 AM (3135 views)
Re: Just read this a moment ago. Virginia Bill allows signing of Electronic Notaries - Linda Hubbell/FL
3/7/2011 10:12:02 AM (3027 views)

What happens when you sue the b&#%@#$s - Alix Ott/MI
2/28/2011 3:01:34 PM (3441 views)
Re: What happens when you sue the b&#%@#$s - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/28/2011 4:14:21 PM (3224 views)
Re: What happens when you sue the b&#%@#$s - Alix Ott/MI
2/28/2011 4:18:14 PM (3297 views)
Re: What happens when you sue the b&#%@#$s - Donna McCullough/SC
2/28/2011 6:20:56 PM (3164 views)
Re: What happens when you sue the b&#%@#$s - Jessica Talley/NJ
2/28/2011 6:34:16 PM (3248 views)
Re: What happens when you sue the b&#%@#$s - Alix Ott/MI
3/2/2011 10:51:55 AM (3206 views)
Re: What happens when you sue the b&#%@#$s - Jason Knowles/AL
3/1/2011 2:08:53 PM (3222 views)
Re: What happens when you sue the b&#%@#$s - Janis Talbot/SC
3/7/2011 8:25:29 AM (3139 views)
Re: What happens when you sue the b&#%@#$s - Linda Hubbell/FL
3/7/2011 10:15:11 AM (3113 views)
Re: What happens when you sue the b&#%@#$s - George Booth/OH
3/8/2011 10:40:09 AM (2957 views)
Re: What happens when you sue the b&#%@#$s - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/8/2011 12:57:07 PM (2993 views)

Say no to OUTSOURCING... - Justin/FL
2/28/2011 11:09:16 AM (3582 views)
Re: Say no to OUTSOURCING... - William Pattison /CA
2/28/2011 12:19:43 PM (3222 views)
Re: Say no to OUTSOURCING... - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
2/28/2011 12:31:30 PM (3140 views)
2/28/2011 1:17:38 PM (3065 views)
Re: Say no to OUTSOURCING... - Alix Ott/MI
2/28/2011 2:42:14 PM (3035 views)
Re: Say no to OUTSOURCING... - Leigh Attridge/MA
2/28/2011 3:00:33 PM (3143 views)
Re: Say no to OUTSOURCING... - Alix Ott/MI
2/28/2011 3:42:17 PM (3036 views)
Re: Say no to OUTSOURCING... - Angela Johnson/NC
2/28/2011 4:05:28 PM (3181 views)
Re: Say no to OUTSOURCING... - Justin/TN
2/28/2011 6:24:36 PM (3089 views)
Re: Say no to OUTSOURCING... - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/1/2011 2:11:30 AM (3040 views)
What We CAN DO... - William Pattison /CA
3/7/2011 7:19:02 PM (3103 views)
Re: Say no to OUTSOURCING... - James Wright/FL
3/10/2011 2:42:58 PM (2926 views)
Re: Say no to OUTSOURCING... - Nils Nelson/ME
3/10/2011 7:14:49 PM (2934 views)
Inaccurate but Fast Reports are NOT Competition - William Pattison /CA
3/14/2011 12:44:20 PM (2924 views)

What 520K will buy in New York city - Leigh Attridge/MA
2/28/2011 6:58:31 AM (4435 views)
Re: What 520K will buy in New York city - Jessica Talley/NJ
2/28/2011 11:08:56 AM (2965 views)
Re: What 520K will buy in New York city - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/28/2011 3:56:12 PM (2811 views)
Re: What 520K will buy in New York city - Jessica Talley/NJ
2/28/2011 6:42:28 PM (2887 views)

More on Angelo Mozilo et als - Leigh Attridge/MA
2/26/2011 12:50:23 PM (4104 views)

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