I know that laws can vary tremendously from state to state, which is why I want to ask this question:
In California, the county-by-county records index is established by State Code. That code allows the individual Counties to choose whether they use a General Index wherein all records are included, or a Book-based index where seperate books of Deeds, Mortgages, Lis Pendens, etc.. are used to record the documents. It does NOT allow the county to switch, in either case, to a non-name based index system of using parcel designators.
How was this accomplished in Orange County, North Carolina? Is the NC law in it's original form, something that allowed this? I doubt it, as most "Assessors Parcel Number" systems are of recent form (about the 1960's or thereabouts). As such, I would guess that some new Code was passed which allowed for the Counties to do this. Any insight would be fascinating.
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