The company issuing the report in error, initially, I would believe, should be responsible.
The examiner's liability might be affected by his/her status: is the examiner an outside provider or an employee? If outside, what is the nature of his arrangement: independent contractor, subcontracting firm, or otherwise? Professional Liability Insurance at play? Was there transcription or communication error and if so, on whose part? What internal standards & practices are in place to check and verify a report? Was there any sort of other reasonable disclosure to the end client which would be obvious to a common person reading the provided materials?
I would want to investigate these questions and all matters related to the situation before ascribing blame for the error. Most business problems boil down to communication, but sometimes it's simply a matter of a single human error too. Research the research methodology and ensure that industry standards have been followed. Review the business history of the provider as well.
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