Oh for heaven's sake. Middlesex South ROD in Masschusetts has records indexed by name, & by street address. In Essex South deed information is entered by name, with links to previous deed(s); street numbers; Lot # & plan reference(s). Mortgages have links to the property owners' deed, along with complete marginal references (from 1998).
I notice that the author of this piece is a little short on the detail end of things - she believes that some sort of spreadsheet system could be used. She also doesn't appear to know anything about the Torrens system, which is an alternate recording system in Mass & other places If it ain't broke don't fix it & not for anything, clients pay me not only for my know how on titles but also for my knowledge of the computer systems I use. That, incidentally, is what is going to possibly guarantee failure & heartbreak for people attempting to do titles from very remote locations. I just got a call from someone who may end up being a former client, asking whether or not a title search could be done by street address in the counties I cover. I told them the truth - that it could be. The question, of course, is "should it be". I know the answer to that as does everyone who goes on this site.
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