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[+] BOA to Create New Unit for Toxic Loans - Leigh Attridge/MA (1 reply)
2/4/2011 6:38:14 PM (4717 views)

Scheduled maintenance - Slade Smith/OH
2/4/2011 3:02:22 PM (2530 views)

2/3/2011 4:12:16 PM (3450 views)

[-] ACME Abstract - Florida - Jason Knowles/AL (7 replies)
2/3/2011 3:16:14 PM (3647 views)
Re: ACME Abstract - Florida - Jessica Talley/NJ
2/3/2011 4:20:02 PM (3741 views)
Re: ACME Abstract - Florida - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/4/2011 8:56:45 AM (3571 views)

Sounds like a case ripe for litigation. Do not be afraid to assert your claim. In most states loser pays the court filing fees in addition to damages. They may not be responding to your emails, etc., but a court summons duly served will jolt them out of this pattern, or they will lose by default. In which case you may not even need to appear in court depending upon the procedures of the court where you file.

In most cases sending them a copy of the summons and complaint prior to filing with the court is enough to spark a response from slow paying clients. If they fail to respond to it...file it with the court and serve them with the papers.

I had a fun experience several years ago with a party located in another state. I did not get paid for some work I had done. I  called to make inquiry about it. The indivudal to whom I spoke was rather arrogant, and indicated that he had more important matters to attend to. I informed him that under Connecticut law attorney's have a possessory lien on all client files until paid in full. The lien travels with the file, and all who take possession of the file and profit thereby become subject to the lien, and its foreclosure. Ultimately I would garnish the mortgagor's monthly mortgage payment to the lender..

In Connecticut you can not sue a non-resident defendant in small claims unless he has real estate located in Connecticut, but you can sue them in superior court under our long arm statute (more expensive costs for the defendant to pay).Even if the defendant chose to challenge the court's long arm jurisdiction it would have been far more expensive than paying my bill.  I explained the lien on the file to this gentleman, and told him that both he and his client could come to Connecticut to explain their conduct to a judge. He made arrangements to pay my bill rather quickly.

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Re: ACME Abstract - Florida - Paula Reynolds/FL
2/23/2011 3:31:47 PM (3009 views)
Re: ACME Abstract - Florida - Paula Reynolds/FL
2/21/2011 5:30:25 PM (3231 views)
Re: ACME Abstract - Florida - Robert Franco/OH
2/24/2011 11:10:05 AM (3211 views)
Re: ACME Abstract - Florida - Paula Reynolds/FL
2/25/2011 8:15:07 PM (3468 views)
Re: ACME Abstract - Florida - JEANETTE LEMONS/WA
4/4/2011 3:42:43 PM (3240 views)

[+] Smitty Strickland, Blue Granite Title - Janis Talbot/SC (3 replies)
2/2/2011 8:04:41 PM (4174 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Altisource - Deborah Manion/VA (10 replies)
2/2/2011 4:17:17 PM (3803 views)

[+] Title Pac - Deborah Manion/VA (4 replies)
2/2/2011 3:48:52 PM (3278 views)

Bets on Foreclosure Boom Turn Sour for Investors - Leigh Attridge/MA
2/1/2011 10:57:51 PM (4025 views)

[+] A man in colonial garb & a tricorn hat stood outside the courtroom... - Leigh Attridge/MA (1 reply)
2/1/2011 2:11:26 PM (4645 views)

[+] Company Closings - Tim Mullin/DC (2 replies)
2/1/2011 11:22:01 AM (3238 views)

[+] clerks of court - Bo Jacobs/VA (3 replies)
2/1/2011 12:16:34 AM (3039 views)

[+] I've said it before & I will say it again - Nils Nelson/ME (8 replies)
1/28/2011 10:57:37 AM (3096 views)

[+] Zook Search has a new website - Dan Zook/NY (1 reply)
1/28/2011 10:35:28 AM (2846 views)

[+] Mifflin County Abstract - Marte Smith/WI (1 reply)
1/27/2011 5:15:22 PM (4016 views)

[+] NotaryNow.com - Jim Lissemore/NJ (1 reply)
1/27/2011 2:15:27 PM (3295 views)

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