When ever a new client contacts us to do a title search we require payment up front. If they can't manage that then they must not really need the search done. It is because of these crooked, selfish, me first mentality companies that we have to do this
Yea sorry..... I hope you do get paid --- KEEP CALLING & HOUNDING THEM, YOU DID THE WORK & THEY OWE YOU FOR IT!
If they don't pay you can wait for the new mtg to record & contact the mtg co., the underwriter & get that abstractiong company in trouble & even fired --- It's a bit of work but it can work when you have the right attitude & contact the right people. We had a client one time that owed us $ 7K & gave us the run for 6 months --- after making several calls I got in touch with the company that gave our client work (LARGE SMILEY FACE
) They were pissed to find that we did the abstracting work & had not been paid yet because they did pay our client (I did threaten to lien every property in a professional way & actually had some liens drawn up) within a week from that call we received a check for appx 90% of the bill owed us from our client (BIG Suprise - I am guessing they were trying to cover thier tail & keep thier client because when I say they gave me the run around for 6 months I am not kidding) Later I found out that our client whom we no loger worked for lost thier client & we did play a key role in that. Long story short by them not paying us they actually shot themselves in the foot & lost a very, very big client - true story
I would not do any work for a company that has had a no pay record - There is simply no excuse for it at all --- even then after thier teeth were pulled to pay they still shorted the abstractor $ 25.00? Sounds like a lousy bunch of crooks.
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