Personally, as your humble host, I HATE to see those kinds of posts. I cringe every time I read one. The main reason is that I am periodically threatened with a defamation lawsuit for comments our users post about the "non-paying" companies. I allow it for two reasons - First, I believe in your right of free speech and we have a nice disclaimer warning you that "Source of Title discourages libelous content and you, as the sole creator of the content, take full responsibility for your remarks." I figure if you are willing to stick your neck and risk being sued, you must believe strongly enough in what you say for me to let you say it.
And, second, I do understand that it serves a purpose. If it can help people avoid the same ill fate, then I suppose it does some good. I only hope that everyone is accurate enough with their posts that it does more good than harm.
So, I would like to say that I agree with your assessment that if it is not "black and white," you probably shouldn't post it. If it is clear cut and completely factual, and not a mere miscommunication, I suppose I'll continue to cringe in silence.
BUT... and this is a big BUT... the first time I actually get sued, I expect everyone who has ever posted a comment about a non-paying company to contribute generously to the "SOT Legal Defense Fund." 
Robert A. Franco
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