If Many of you would pay attention to what is happening across the country .. you would understand.. that our records are being stolen from within. (FIDLAR, TYLER TECH ring a bell)
The County employees go to work.. and the County Recorder has them data enter ALL day.. into SERVERS - NOT in their office.. the county board or the county recorder themselves are utilizing software "off the shelf".. that take the data out of the jurisdiction of the state's legislature. (No control once that happens).. who do you go to and WHO do you complain to. THE LEGISLATURE. you file your grievances there. In MN.. MN Statute aka the LAW says, the tract index shall be kept as one of the records IN the office of the county recorder (MN Stat. 386.05)..
People IMPEACH them out of office. IMPEACH the commissioners board.. You do that thru the Legislature.
Once these records are STORED to a FOREIGNER (the other state or over the boundary of the legislature).. ANYONE can buy access.. the Monopoly goes to the largest vendors.. the County is selling EXCLUSIVE rights to access to them..
Research the law in your state. I'm sure this is true for MANY offices in the courthouse INCLUDING the courts.. INVASION within.. ringing a bell yet.
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