You missed my point entirely. I know the general public does come into the county courthouses. I never said they didn't. My comments about how to dress and behave is what I addressed. I wear jeans, as stated originally. I never alluded to wear dresses or coats and ties. My standards are don't dress like you are going to the beach. I don't think that is too much to expect of those in this profession. My comments about kids and people bringing in their lunches are to those that are inconsiderate of others. If you take your food and drink into a break room, that is what is expected and not even addressed in my original post. Why would you even bring that into this forum?
As for quiet teenagers, let me try to be as clear as possible. I am referring to examiners, not the general public, who bring in their infants and / or toddlers into the County Recorder's office. Somebody's decision to home school their kids is great, but the county courthouse is not the place to do your home schooling. If your child is quite and well behaved, good parenting on your behalf. However, that is not the parent I am addressing. It is addressed to those who have invisible children and let them run around and be disruptive.
I also know the Recorder's offices are public offices, but it is a two way street. One has to respect that the other people have the right NOT to listen to noisy and disruptive behavior by children or inconsiderate fellow examiners.
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