Thank you for the note. It's an agreement that enables me to take REO orders from my clients for states outside Maryland and to "share" the work with another independent title agent in the state in which the property is located. We would be the client contact, they would do title and settlement and we would do title clearance, liason between asset managers, realtors, etc. We would be paid for services rendered. THIS IS NOT and AfBA.
I am not sure if I am going to do this but it's something I am considering because I have a few clients who have asked me in the past if I will do other states. Getting licensed etc., in other states is not something I can afford to do, but I need to do something to expand my reach. I, like many, am hanging on by a thread and fighting tooth and nail to stay afloat.
If anyone has ever been involved in this type agreement, I would LOVE to hear from you.
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