I'm sorry to hear about your aunt. Unfortunately, many people are in that situation and it keeps getting worse. My dad had a stroke a couple of years ago (he was very fortunate to have recovered to the extent he has), and he was another of the nation's un-insured. Actually, he was under-insured - he had two health care policies, but they were both practically worthless. But, it was all he could afford. Had he had some kind of coverage for basic medical care, he might not have had the stroke.
I agree with most of your post. However, I would clarify that good old American Capitalism is what made this country great. It allows everyone an equal opportunity for success. But I believe that with the opportunities that this country offers, comes a responsibility to help those less fortunate. It really isn't capitalism that is the problem - it is pure greed.
The rich will find it very difficult to continue to get richer if they force the middle class into poverty. Everyone is best served by a strong middle class - no one more so than the wealthy. The "right" has classified every attempt to help the less fortunate as some sort of socialism, but really it is just the price we all pay to live in a country that provides limitless opportunities for everyone.
Just my $0.02!
Robert A. Franco
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