Document your research meticulously and carefully. Give the client a complete and full report of each and every name and permutation thereof that was run and the EXACT wording that appeared in the database search screen. Provide times and dates of each run and list the nature of the index in which they were run "Superior Court for the County of Alaxaco, State of New Mexico, Civil Case Index search" etc....
Show that research was done.
Provide information on your invoice as to time and distance in miles traveled from MapQuest, even if you do not bill for this.
The impression that "no find" provides is wrong. You did find out information, so the term is a bad one in our industry. You found that "No Search Reults to Display for Input Data" or some such result. Reflect this accurately. In this way, you are providing a higher quality product that speaks to the actual condition of title rather than to an interpretation of "no results" by you.
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