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Hawaii Leasehold question - William Pattison /CA
8/26/2011 11:53:04 AM (3136 views)

Looking for someone familiar with Hawaiian land records.

 Commercial property on Maui has a number of business tenants.  The state land records in Honolulu show no lease contracts recorded on the land between 1/1/1976 and 6/1/2011.   Some of the businesses are established / incorporated on State Corp filings during that period.


1.  Are Leases recorded in Hawaii?

2.  If recorded, are those Leases listed / indexed on the land records database online?

3.  Is it a matter or custom and practice to not record the lease, but they can be recorded?

4.  Is it more common to have a commercial rental agreement rather than a lease contract?

Anyone familiar with Hawaiian customs and records is welcome to join contribute.  Thanks much!

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DIBS!!!! - Deborah Manion/VA
8/30/2011 12:43:46 PM (4404 views)
Re: DIBS!!!! - William Pattison /CA
8/31/2011 6:44:32 PM (4542 views)

Subordination Agreement - F P/VA
8/26/2011 9:53:51 AM (3160 views)
Re: Subordination Agreement - Robert Franco/AK
8/26/2011 10:16:15 AM (4934 views)
Re: Subordination Agreement - F P/VA
8/26/2011 10:22:04 AM (4738 views)

Easy sharing on Linkedin and Twitter? - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
8/24/2011 9:13:40 PM (3126 views)
Re: Easy sharing on Linkedin and Twitter? - William Pattison /CA
8/26/2011 10:03:16 PM (4584 views)
Re: Easy sharing on Linkedin and Twitter? - Slade Smith/OH
8/30/2011 12:17:52 AM (4396 views)

Interesting Email Icon - Nils Nelson/ME
8/24/2011 8:24:59 PM (2615 views)

Foreclosure Fraud Ongoing and Hard to Spot - William Pattison /CA
8/24/2011 12:47:34 PM (3553 views)
Re: Foreclosure Fraud Ongoing and Hard to Spot - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
8/24/2011 9:18:19 PM (4871 views)

Real Title Services

Speedy Closing & Title Services, Inc - Gerry/TN
8/24/2011 10:58:43 AM (3949 views)
Re: Speedy Closing & Title Services, Inc - Anita Backlund/MN
8/30/2011 9:53:39 PM (4640 views)

Sherri Fried and Red Stone Title and Abstract LLC - NON PAYER - Abstractor/NY
8/23/2011 4:21:43 PM (8801 views)
Re: Sherri Fried and Red Stone Title and Abstract LLC - NON PAYER - Sherri Fried/NY
9/9/2011 11:26:16 AM (5212 views)
Re: Sherri Fried and Red Stone Title and Abstract LLC - NON PAYER - Nils Nelson/ME
9/9/2011 11:29:20 AM (5097 views)

Warning: Fraudulent Company (s) - Wayne Brown/VA
8/23/2011 3:58:45 PM (5064 views)

Bridewater & Associates, LLC in Canton being Sued?? - AJ/GA
8/22/2011 1:44:41 PM (3929 views)
Re: Bridewater & Associates, LLC in Canton being Sued?? - Mercedes Moreno/FL
8/23/2011 2:21:09 PM (5147 views)
Re: Bridewater & Associates, LLC in Canton being Sued?? - Helga Hinck/NH
8/28/2011 8:29:20 PM (5339 views)

JTWRS - Paula Reynolds/FL
8/22/2011 6:02:14 AM (3704 views)
Re: JTWRS - William Pattison /CA
8/22/2011 1:29:52 PM (5235 views)
Re: JTWRS - Paula Reynolds/FL
8/24/2011 1:40:31 PM (5236 views)

BEWARE of these companies - Diane Brookerd/AL
8/19/2011 6:49:24 PM (4472 views)
Re: BEWARE of these companies - rod hefner/KS
8/20/2011 3:42:31 PM (5787 views)
Re: BEWARE of these companies - Jason Knowles/AL
8/22/2011 2:41:31 PM (5594 views)
Re: BEWARE of these companies - K C/NJ
8/24/2011 1:59:32 PM (5527 views)
Re: BEWARE of these companies - Dianne Barnidge/MS
8/26/2011 10:15:37 AM (5430 views)
Re: BEWARE of these companies - Jason Knowles/AL
8/22/2011 2:40:37 PM (5723 views)
Contemporary Realty Solutions - Constance Foye/VA
8/23/2011 12:03:25 AM (5464 views)
Re: BEWARE of these companies - Cindy Daniels/GA
8/26/2011 7:22:18 PM (5476 views)
Tri State Abstracting - Joyce Obrien/PA
8/27/2011 5:51:17 PM (5786 views)
Re: BEWARE of these companies - Kevin McCarthy/AR
8/29/2011 12:56:47 PM (5156 views)
Re: BEWARE of these companies - Jessica Talley/FL
8/29/2011 2:31:53 PM (5151 views)
Re: BEWARE of these companies - Rick Wilkinson/TN
9/6/2011 2:50:26 PM (4960 views)
Re: BEWARE of these companies - Donna McCullough/SC
8/28/2011 8:53:02 PM (5442 views)

AltiSource - Carrin/TX
8/19/2011 10:52:46 AM (4181 views)
Re: AltiSource - Leigh Attridge/MA
8/19/2011 12:51:02 PM (5763 views)
Re: AltiSource - Carrin/TX
8/19/2011 4:43:58 PM (5698 views)
Re: AltiSource - john rutledge/VA
8/22/2011 10:57:07 AM (5612 views)
Re: AltiSource - Carrin /TX
8/24/2011 11:00:19 AM (5488 views)
8/29/2011 11:20:46 AM (5143 views)
Re: AltiSource - Michelle /OH
9/27/2011 12:05:53 PM (4743 views)

ACME Abstract - Florida - beware - Jason Knowles/AL
8/19/2011 9:23:56 AM (3246 views)

Comment on "American Land Title Association Reports Record Membership" - Source of Title/OH
8/18/2011 4:55:52 PM (3705 views)
Congratulations, ALTA! - Robert Holman/OH
8/18/2011 4:55:52 PM (7474 views)
Re: Congratulations, ALTA! - Robert Franco/OH
8/18/2011 5:18:59 PM (7477 views)
Congratulations? - Patrick Miller/LA
8/23/2011 8:50:17 AM (7366 views)
Re: Congratulations? - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
8/24/2011 9:24:49 PM (7164 views)

upgrading price to a full search - Deborah Manion/VA
8/18/2011 4:19:54 PM (3867 views)
Re: upgrading price to a full search - Jessica Talley/FL
8/20/2011 4:38:52 PM (5445 views)
Re: upgrading price to a full search - Anita Backlund/MN
8/22/2011 9:28:55 AM (5353 views)
Re: upgrading price to a full search - Robert Franco/OH
8/22/2011 9:53:20 AM (5321 views)
Under 25 years free or cheap online - William Pattison /CA
8/22/2011 1:43:29 PM (5300 views)
Re: Under 25 years free or cheap online - Kym/NJ
8/24/2011 1:53:19 PM (5346 views)

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