So, we small business people pay welfare for these unemployed, self entitled whiners to march in protest about losing their jobs and homes when they should be looking for a job or starting a business of their own to revitalize America?
They don't have a coherent message or plan...just "do something", when Libertarians and others were being ignored for decades telling people that this needs to be averted or we'll be in this mess?
Now that their own selfish asses are on the line, they are a reactionary force instead of being proactive decades ago to stop NAFTA and GATT, audit the Fed, restore backing to our currency, improve educational standards instead of lowering them, reinvesting in infrastructure, regulating securities properly, and helping middle class America?
REALLY? I certainly hate the Tea Party and Republicrats, and now have a new group of asshats to add to my "list".
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