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[+] Lost another one. - Dan Zook/CA (13 replies)
11/2/2011 1:31:09 PM (2992 views)

[-] Interesting Reading - Kevin Ahern/CT (3 replies)
11/1/2011 10:54:12 AM (4117 views)
Re: Interesting Reading - Leigh Attridge/MA
11/1/2011 11:22:36 AM (2504 views)
Re: Interesting Reading - Kevin Ahern/CT
11/1/2011 11:45:09 AM (2474 views)

It depends on whether the conviction was predicated on state statute or the Federal RICO statute( Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations.)  Some states like Connecticut have a local racketeering statute.

I am not familiar with Ohio's state laws, but do have some experience with RICO. Essentially it prohibits making a business out of illegal conduct (The criminal enterprise). When I last worked with it it required certain predicates...use of the U S Mail and/or interstate telephone to perpetrate the illegal conduct as well as repeated conduct or the danger of repeated conduct. This may now have been expanded to include the internet, but I have not researched it lately.  Prosecutors hate it because it is difficult to prove.

When an action is brought under RICO it is usually coupled with a count in the indictment for money laudering. Any use of the money obtained by racketeering can not be spent, deposited or otherwise used without constituting laundering of the funds (altering the identification and traceability of the illegal funds). If the perpetrator has hidden the money away for later use after serving his time any future use of these funds constitutes a new money laundering charge.

Although I suppose there are ways around it. I have read about some convicts released from prison who had hidden the money away in off shore accounts which are not subject to scrutiny by the American government, and had thereafter taken up residence in countries without an extradition treaty with the United States. I have also heard though that countries that harbor such people and allow them to draw against the off shore accounts find ways to force payment of some exhorbitant "fees,taxes" or whatever.The criminal elements within these countries also have their hands out.

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Re: Interesting Reading - Slade Smith/OH
11/1/2011 11:44:48 AM (2390 views)

The Multistate Settlement Lottery: Bupkis - Leigh Attridge/MA
10/31/2011 2:07:55 PM (3583 views)

[+] Comment on "The Abstract Solution Announces Agency Platform" - Source of Title/OH (11 replies)
10/31/2011 9:54:22 AM (2456 views)

Is the jig up for MERS? - Leigh Attridge/MA
10/31/2011 8:27:00 AM (3646 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Service1st, Service 1st, Service First, Valuenet - David Marks/VA (1 reply)
10/29/2011 10:31:22 AM (2613 views)

Mortgage regulator, Edward DeMarco, at home with criticism - Leigh Attridge/MA
10/27/2011 8:06:31 AM (3518 views)

[+] Comment on "Another Big County Goes After MERS Back Fees" - Source of Title/OH (1 reply)
10/26/2011 7:00:19 PM (2397 views)

[+] Rasa Solutions - Bridget Marinelli/PA (15 replies)
10/26/2011 10:41:11 AM (3082 views)

Congratulations Are In Order - Patrick Scott/IL
10/25/2011 8:45:54 PM (2034 views)

Surprise on Refi Revamp: Key Regulator Agrees to Reforms - Leigh Attridge/MA
10/25/2011 3:21:38 PM (3652 views)

Comment on "NAR: Existing Home Sales Edge Down in September" - Source of Title/OH
10/25/2011 2:24:02 AM (1719 views)

[+] Comment on "Breaking the Tie-- or Not" - Source of Title/OH (10 replies)
10/24/2011 8:01:51 PM (2320 views)

[+] Applied Tech Resources Doesn't Pay - Kimberly Goode/GA (4 replies)
10/24/2011 12:55:23 PM (2654 views)

[+] another company who does not pay - Anthony BROWNN/VA (4 replies)
10/24/2011 11:35:44 AM (2853 views)

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