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[+] Beware of Boston National Title - Deborah Jackson/GA (8 replies)
12/5/2011 11:49:16 AM (13574 views)

[+] Will the 60 Minutes report on the lack of Wall Street prosecutions... - Slade Smith/OH (4 replies)
12/5/2011 10:28:03 AM (4416 views)

Treasuring Urban Oases - Leigh Attridge/MA
12/4/2011 11:49:45 AM (3684 views)

[+] Comment on "NAILTA Announces Opposition to "MERS 2" Proposal" - Source of Title/OH (2 replies)
12/3/2011 10:06:44 PM (2619 views)

[+] Comment on "GMAC, Facing Lawsuit, Exits Mortgage Business in Massachusetts" - Source of Title/OH (1 reply)
12/3/2011 9:26:43 AM (2664 views)

Real Title Services

[+] A Credit Score that tracks you more closely - Leigh Attridge/MA (1 reply)
12/2/2011 9:21:51 PM (4180 views)

[+] Global Data Source - Smitty Strickland/SC (3 replies)
12/2/2011 6:55:12 PM (2774 views)

[+] Applied Technology Resources - Verlene Miller/AL (8 replies)
12/1/2011 8:47:04 PM (2990 views)

Mass AG sues major banks over foreclosures - Leigh Attridge/MA
12/1/2011 5:35:05 PM (3829 views)

The Wikipedia of Land Registration Systems - Leigh Attridge/MA
11/30/2011 2:51:17 PM (3698 views)

[+] Comment on "The Loose-Lipped Auctioneer" - Source of Title/OH (1 reply)
11/29/2011 6:03:52 PM (2623 views)

[-] ATR - Applied Technology Resources - Non Payment - Do not work for - Greg Paszkiewicz/NJ (4 replies)
11/29/2011 12:22:58 PM (3123 views)
Re: ATR - Applied Technology Resources - Non Payment - Do not work for - Nicole Foster/WV
11/29/2011 1:27:00 PM (3406 views)
Re: ATR - Applied Technology Resources - Non Payment - Do not work for - Anita Binns/IL
12/5/2011 3:44:45 PM (3112 views)

Having done only one search for this company...took 2.5 months to get paid after having to contact them steadily...Phone 727-381-1836 ask for Sherry at ext 201…each time I spoke to her or anyone else from their company they blamed the delay for payment on the U.S. Mail....I found the following email address in relation to their company and sent an email stating my need for payment and the fact I was turning down additional search requests as a result tojimdrustin@appliedtechres.com... in the past few months they call me two or three times a week asking for my rate in certain counties I cover but they never proceed with an official search requests...I like everyone else do not like having to constantly be on top of a company that is not willing to pay for services rendered!

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Re: ATR - Applied Technology Resources - Non Payment - Do not work for - Jason E/GA
12/12/2011 8:46:09 PM (3066 views)
Re: ATR - Applied Technology Resources - Non Payment - Do not work for - Kathy  Knoras/VT
1/15/2012 2:18:59 PM (2699 views)

[+] Insourcing as opposed to outsourcing - Jeanine Johnson/MN (5 replies)
11/28/2011 4:29:27 PM (2929 views)

[+] Oil, Gas and Mineral Abstracting - Jeanine Johnson/MN (3 replies)
11/28/2011 4:20:42 PM (2843 views)

Steven J. Baum closing the doors. - Dorothy Payne/NY
11/25/2011 11:44:58 AM (4029 views)

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