Massachusetts is all on-line. The difficulty here is that while most of the Registries use the same computer system, the information is entered differently according to each Registries' habits & customs. Some of the Registries (Lowell) don't have any books anymore - no indices, no plans, no nothing. Everything is online. Others (Lawrence) have pulled all the books off the shelves, but still have the indices available. I had a major problem with this when an original plan was no longer available to pull & I had to make do with a chopped up 6 page microfilm scan of the area. Since I was doing title to a mill complex this was a major problem & held up the closing because I couldn't certify to the attorney that I had the whole area on the scans. Eventually the seller's attorney located an original which had been stored in the city engineering department - the Registry accepted it for recordation - & the closing went through.
If you want to check out the Mass Registries try: (Essex South) a freestanding system that is unique to the entire state ( & is probably the best system as well) or for a look at the Browntech system. Most of the rest of the state is on Mass Land Records.
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