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Commission advances? Now this is scarey - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
12/28/2011 2:18:30 PM (4245 views)
Re: Commission advances? Now this is scarey - Victoria Moate/NJ
2/20/2012 7:48:39 PM (2187 views)

This has been around for years.  Having been a 100% commissioned sales person, it IS scary.  You NEVER count on your commissions until the check has cleared the bank. 

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12/27/2011 5:24:03 PM (2563 views)
Re: Texas Cash out - Robert Franco/OH
12/28/2011 10:08:01 AM (5091 views)
12/28/2011 3:36:38 PM (2495 views)
Re: Texas Cash out - Robert Philo/TX
1/3/2012 4:09:50 PM (2602 views)

Express National - Las Vegas non-pay - Anita Binns/IL
12/27/2011 2:26:05 PM (4859 views)
Re: Express National - Las Vegas non-pay - Abstractor/AL
12/27/2011 4:43:36 PM (2797 views)
Re: Express National - Las Vegas non-pay - Joyce Obrien/PA
12/28/2011 3:23:58 PM (2648 views)
Re: Express National - Las Vegas non-pay - Rita Killary/NY
12/29/2011 12:18:49 PM (2618 views)
Re: Express National - Las Vegas non-pay - Barbara  Loden/IN
12/30/2011 9:11:47 AM (2875 views)
Re: Express National - Las Vegas non-pay - Abstractor/ME
12/30/2011 10:45:02 AM (2580 views)
Re: Express National - Las Vegas non-pay - Abstractor/ME
12/30/2011 11:01:19 AM (2598 views)
Re: Express National - Las Vegas non-pay - Abstractor/TN
12/30/2011 11:11:43 AM (2892 views)
Re: Express National - Las Vegas non-pay - Anita Binns/IL
12/31/2011 11:21:55 AM (2974 views)
Re: Express National - Las Vegas non-pay - Nils Nelson/ME
12/31/2011 2:49:38 PM (2747 views)
Re: Express National - Las Vegas non-pay - Anita Binns/IL
12/31/2011 7:51:58 PM (2925 views)
Re: Express National - Las Vegas non-pay - Brian Lilley/MO
5/1/2012 9:35:01 AM (2139 views)
Re: Express National - Las Vegas non-pay - Mary Adams/KY
2/16/2012 12:09:48 PM (2918 views)
Re: Express National - Las Vegas non-pay - Mary Adams/KY
3/5/2012 7:01:36 PM (2226 views)
Re: Express National - Las Vegas non-pay - Ron McPherson/IA
3/1/2012 1:39:57 AM (2245 views)
Re: Express National - Las Vegas non-pay - Anita Binns/IL
3/1/2012 7:11:50 AM (2427 views)

Findthefraud.com - Leigh Attridge/MA
12/22/2011 12:11:27 PM (4372 views)

Abstrax - Deborah Jackson/GA
12/22/2011 11:12:53 AM (3354 views)
Re: Abstrax - Leigh Attridge/MA
12/22/2011 12:02:05 PM (3065 views)
Re: Abstrax - Deborah Jackson/GA
12/23/2011 6:19:42 PM (2974 views)
Re: Abstrax - Sandra Law/KY
12/27/2011 6:44:38 AM (3067 views)
Re: Abstrax - Mark Pierson/FL
1/3/2012 9:37:09 AM (2858 views)
Re: Abstrax - Kristie Rich/AZ
1/30/2012 11:10:29 AM (2325 views)
2/7/2012 7:58:16 PM (2375 views)

Real Title Services

335 Million Settlement on C'wide Lending Bias - Leigh Attridge/MA
12/21/2011 6:58:31 PM (3740 views)

Schey v Johnson teardown in Mhead - Leigh Attridge/MA
12/20/2011 4:28:14 PM (4545 views)
Re: Schey v Johnson teardown in Mhead - Robert Franco/OH
12/21/2011 10:42:41 AM (2221 views)
Re: Schey v Johnson teardown in Mhead - Leigh Attridge/MA
12/22/2011 3:19:01 PM (2265 views)

Comment on "Rich Bank, Poor Bank" - Source of Title/OH
12/20/2011 1:56:32 PM (2349 views)
Nobody thought about declining real estate values... - Robert Franco/OH
12/20/2011 1:56:33 PM (2315 views)
Re: Nobody thought about declining real estate values... - Slade Smith/OH
12/20/2011 3:30:06 PM (2339 views)

Global Data & Need To Know/Search The Nation - Pam Effinger/VA
12/19/2011 12:13:37 PM (2886 views)
Re: Global Data & Need To Know/Search The Nation - Nils Nelson/ME
12/19/2011 2:43:06 PM (2759 views)
Re: Global Data & Need To Know/Search The Nation - Jason Knowles/AL
12/22/2011 10:59:37 AM (2560 views)
Re: Global Data & Need To Know/Search The Nation - Nils Nelson/ME
12/22/2011 11:13:48 AM (2603 views)
Re: Global Data & Need To Know/Search The Nation - Leigh Attridge/MA
12/22/2011 4:59:07 PM (2556 views)
Re: Global Data & Need To Know/Search The Nation - Jessica Talley/FL
12/23/2011 9:39:42 AM (2714 views)

Email Scam Heads-Up - Scott Perry/PA
12/17/2011 12:22:53 PM (3872 views)
Re: Email Scam Heads-Up - Slade Smith/OH
12/17/2011 6:55:46 PM (2496 views)

Rethinking How the Law is Taught - Leigh Attridge/MA
12/17/2011 8:07:18 AM (3928 views)

If you wonder why I sound frustrated when you call me...... - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
12/15/2011 3:43:26 PM (2485 views)

Rush for Gas Rights Ignites Battle for Control of Land - Leigh Attridge/MA
12/14/2011 5:18:05 PM (4213 views)
Re: Rush for Gas Rights Ignites Battle for Control of Land - Scott Perry/PA
12/17/2011 12:40:26 PM (2203 views)

Dodd-Frank and QRM's - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
12/13/2011 2:22:35 PM (2881 views)
Re: Dodd-Frank and QRM's - Slade Smith/OH
12/13/2011 6:07:17 PM (2616 views)
Re: Dodd-Frank and QRM's - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
12/13/2011 8:16:35 PM (2595 views)
Re: Dodd-Frank and QRM's - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
12/13/2011 8:17:47 PM (2501 views)

Comment on "PA Government Official Arrested for Lying about Connection to Title Company" - Source of Title/OH
12/12/2011 12:47:41 PM (2540 views)
Depends on the definition of Conflict - Jeffrey Land/NJ
12/12/2011 12:47:41 PM (3790 views)
I figured the relationship might be something like that... - Slade Smith/OH
12/12/2011 2:18:38 PM (4183 views)

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We are an AMERICAN production and marketplace company, working with most of the major underwriters and Seeking LOCAL independant title searcher(s) for regular work in the following PA counties:
Cameron...[more info]

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